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Saturday, August 27, 2011
7:27 pm
Whooo almost 2months... Havent really felt like posting anything for a long long time. Probably cause of the precious book out time that i have. Sigh...going back in an hour's time, all the way to JooKoon. Almost done with foundation term yeah! Next week will be my last week there. There's still a 28km route march for me to do though. Soooo not looking forward to that.

Oh yeah...yesterday was my birthday! yay! Officially 19years old. Not that it makes any difference to my life in general...but oh well. Went to hard rock cafe for a company organised social night where they made me do dumb stuff like drink some extremely alcoholic drink. I got all dizzy after like...5mins for awhile... I was fine after like another few more mins though, didnt get drunk or anything niether.

The past few days in SCS was pretty fun. Someone uploaded dota into the shared hard drive so....its been like a lan shop for awhile. Whole bunch of people playing and stuff. Uhhuh, tis awesome.

Argh...my time booking out is too short...gotta go get ready...

im not perfect, but i keep trying

Sunday, July 17, 2011
6:34 pm
Well its sunday, guess what that means. Yes, it's book in day *sigh*. Me the army boy is done with BMT and is now in SCS (specialist command school, a.k.a learning to be a sergeant). First week was just over yeah, and i actually did have some fun, at least on friday anyway. Managed to get a full 7hrs of sleep cause there wasnt anything to do the night before, which was awesome. Oh and i can finally grow hair! :D to some extent anyway. Another 7 more weeks till this course is over and i'll get posted to a new unit (hopefully), either that or continue in infantry (of which i really dont want to be in). Meh, whatever comes will come.

Anyway, during this 48hr+ book out, decided to try my hand at arranging a song. Chose "Just a Dream" by Nelly, but i think the kurt schnieder version was nicer than the original so...yeah gonna go with that one. Got the tune and the chords figured out already, just gotta touch up on the arrangement. Sounds...weird haha, for now anyway.

Kay, gotta prepare for book in again...great. *sigh*

into forests once again...

Sunday, June 19, 2011
7:05 pm
WOW! Been a really long time *checks previous post date*, one full month to be exact. That also means im one month closer to POP! Yay!

I have 2 more weeks till BMT is done (a.k.a 2 more weeks to block leave wahahaha), and hopefully can go to SCS and a good unit (preferably at tekong). Been really busy the past few weekends, spending most of my time eating...and playing stuff. Schedule is gonna be quite downhill from this week onwards i think, booking out on friday morning next week :D which is like the most awesome thing ever. Had recruits night this wednesday. Performed with a few people from my platoon up on stage, just a short medley of songs where i used jerry cans as drums. Genius! But it wasnt me who thought of it. Heh. SIT test and field camp all done, so dont have to like...not bathe anymore.

Looking back at the past 1 and a half months in BMT, i learned a lot of things. For example, being able to sit on chairs is a privilege. Its virtually non-existent in the world of a recruit (a.k.a. me). Most of the time we'd be sitting on the floor.
I have also learnt how to slack off in a way such that people dont notice. Which i think i can apply to daily life haha.
Oh, and i really really cant wait to go back to studying. Seriously. Right now i can safely say that i love studying. I would rather retake A levels for two years than go for army for two years. Oh well, sucks to have to defend my country, but no choice so just gotta live with it.

Didnt get to watch french open finals (tennis) last week or something, so didnt get to watch nadal thrash federer hehheh. Dont think i'll be watching wimbledon this year either. Dammit.

Booking in very soon at 8.10pm. Only 50 more mins! Gotta go get ready...crap.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011
12:17 pm
Been a loooong time since i last posted omg. Finally got enlisted into BMT on may 6th...and finally booked out yesterday night at 9pm :D im happy. Yeah so now i have no hair and my muscles hurt from intense exercise...urgh. I survived the 11 day confinement period wahahaha. Feeling so deprived of stuff now, like warm water for bathing, facebook, games, music, cars, HAIR, to name a few.

For those that are curious, i'm in mohawk company. Quite welfare i think (or so says the others anyway), since we always have 7hrs of sleep and decent admin time to do our own stuff. The commanders dont actually fault us for too many things either. But since the schedule for my batch is apparently quite packed, and that the sun at this time of the year is so damn hot, its still pretty tough.

The food is honestly better than i expected. Abit too much msg yeah, but other than that quite balanced i would say. Balanced as in it helps to regain lost energy. Totally generous on the carbohydrates. One thing that i find odd about army is that we have to either march or run everywhere, walking is like... totally not an option. Even when going for meals we have to march. Im actually finding it quite irritating.

Anyway, im going back in again today at 9pm, about 5 more hours left T.T feels like im going back to a jail or something. Gonna cherish wat little time i have left and start playing my piano and comp and stuff.

purple light, in the valley...

Wednesday, April 06, 2011
12:54 am
(Well considering that i'm not working, it isnt much of a surprise, but still...)
I have gotten tired of most of the games that i've been playing the past few months, surprisingly, and since lotsa guys are in NS right now, there isnt anyone to be random to. Which is quite sad.

So to ease my boredom, i've been reading econs (gotta remember that i dont take econs at all so its something new), and financial reports, for fun. Yes...for fun. That is how bored i am now. And after all that reading, i've realised that lotsa american firms have pretty much sucky management, and singapore companies are much better. But thats my opinion...which has absolutely no real value whatsoever, oh well. Not that anyone cares anyway.

Ok so, sides filling my head with price elasticity and other microecons stuff, still playing the piano every once in awhile. Kinda happy with my arrangement of Taeyang's Wedding Dress, sorta. Always room for improvement...its quite a simple song to arrange, which surprised me. Thought it was gonna be like...some imba difficult piece.
Oh yeah, been reading a new jap book to improve my vocab. Maybe i'll be able to speak in somewhat fluent japanese after im done with it (if im ever done with it that is =.=). As of now, after 3 days of reading, i have fully understood 6 pages of the book. Yay me...urgh...

Anyway, submitted my university applications a couple of weeks ago i think. Took me awhile to figure out what courses to place priority on a.k.a first choice. Went for the open house too, which was awesome. NTU had free tau huey :) of which i didnt get to eat...cause it ran out. Curses. Well i would prefer to get into NUS rather than NTU, since my focus is more of R&D rather than business and stuff like that so...yeah. Its all science subjects that i applied for. Bioengineering as first choice for NUS and biological sciences for NTU if anyone was wondering. Hopefully its the right choice, put a lot of thought into it.

Recently it seems as though quite a few people have received some letter or something that shows that they were accepted into NUS/NTU/SMU. I havent got any D: which is quite worrying. Hmm...well not so much actually. As a guy, i have the privilege of having 2 more chances to apply for a course in uni, which is less worrying *wipes sweat off forehead*.

As a side note, my hair is really long. Like...really, really long. Like rapunzel long...orrr maybe not. Its still quite long though. I can tie the back with a rubber band, which is awesome (i am easily amused). Too bad it'll be gone soon, in like a month or so. Actually, in exactly a month's time. Crap...wanted to find out how it would be like to have waist-long hair, then i would know how the shampoo commercial people swish their hair. *Swish* o.o


Friday, March 04, 2011
5:33 pm
Results day! Totally nervous, cant stop thinking about it either. Well it came out at like 2.30pm today so technically i do have my results with me now. It's...not good. Which really sucks. Contrary to what most people might think, i actually studied quite hard the last 4 months or so...that was after i got back my prelim results i think. Theres always the "if i did something extra, then maybe i would get better results" thing, but i think i just messed up the exam itself...crap. Sigh...so disappointed, mostly cause lotsa people did sooo much better...like 3As, 4As, 5As and stuff. Oh well...try again next time then.

Back to emoing...


Sunday, February 13, 2011
8:30 pm
Festive filled week hahaha. Its still technically part of the 15 days of chinese new year, and so im eating yu sheng, of which i'm apparently highly deprived of this new year. My aunt made it...it is awesome :D sauce and all. Brought back one huge box it. Dont know if can finish by tomorrow though...

Anyway, chinese new year was the same as usual. Went around visiting cousins who i only see every once a year. Went to malaysia to visit relatives from my mother's side, and stayed there for awhile. Doesnt seem all that interesting once you think about it. The angpaos dont matter much, since i dont get as much as anyone else does anyway, but who cares.

Went to milly's house for more chinese new year fun last sunday at the longkang *cough* i mean at serangoon. Played mahjong the whole time hahaha, while others were playing sabotuer. Dinner was nice, kinda liked the spicy curry. And to go with the gambling, there were even mahjong cupcakes. Note that i still think gambling is bad, just that its a fun game to play (and the grandaunts in my family that play arent very good at it). Oh well...so anyway yeah it was fun.

Well zan and asraf went to join the police force on tuesday. Good luck! See you guys 2 weeks later :D maybe over a game of tennis hahaha. A few other people went in this week too, though seems abit scattered based on what they're going in for. Still a loooong way for me...should start on training...

Yeah...so thats about it for now. Maybe i'll go get somemore yu sheng...


This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

