Sunday, June 19, 2011
7:05 pm
WOW! Been a really long time *checks previous post date*, one full month to be exact. That also means im one month closer to POP! Yay!
I have 2 more weeks till BMT is done (a.k.a 2 more weeks to block leave wahahaha), and hopefully can go to SCS and a good unit (preferably at tekong). Been really busy the past few weekends, spending most of my time eating...and playing stuff. Schedule is gonna be quite downhill from this week onwards i think, booking out on friday morning next week :D which is like the most awesome thing ever. Had recruits night this wednesday. Performed with a few people from my platoon up on stage, just a short medley of songs where i used jerry cans as drums. Genius! But it wasnt me who thought of it. Heh. SIT test and field camp all done, so dont have to like...not bathe anymore.
Looking back at the past 1 and a half months in BMT, i learned a lot of things. For example, being able to sit on chairs is a privilege. Its virtually non-existent in the world of a recruit (a.k.a. me). Most of the time we'd be sitting on the floor.
I have also learnt how to slack off in a way such that people dont notice. Which i think i can apply to daily life haha.
Oh, and i really really cant wait to go back to studying. Seriously. Right now i can safely say that i love studying. I would rather retake A levels for two years than go for army for two years. Oh well, sucks to have to defend my country, but no choice so just gotta live with it.
Didnt get to watch french open finals (tennis) last week or something, so didnt get to watch nadal thrash federer hehheh. Dont think i'll be watching wimbledon this year either. Dammit.
Booking in very soon at 8.10pm. Only 50 more mins! Gotta go get ready...crap.