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Thursday, August 26, 2010
9:53 pm
OMG today was like soooo awesome! First, Happy Birthday to my triplets (milly and of course zhengxuan), my senior simon and shuyi, born on this ever wonderful day of the year.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who happy birthday-ed me and celebrated my birthday with me! All of you who contributed to the 63 facebook notifications and 12 smses that were sent to me (and i dont think it ends there cause im still getting some). Thank you to weijie, samuel, kelmond, liyan, barry, joanna, felicia, chaochao, yuxi, weikee and xueyuan. I was, in all honesty (you can get me a lie-detector test if you want), touched with everything that went on. The poets that ever walked the earth probably couldnt express how happy i am right now. Theres even fireworks in the background for me (the extras went to the closure for YOG). Im loving the presents people!!

Ok so yesterday, i was like so tired by the time i reached home that i totally forgot about my own birthday. Im serious...i wasnt even thinking about what would happen the next day. When i woke up, i was like...whoa...so many smses (more than i've ever seen in one go anyway, which really isnt much) then was like thinking what could be the occasion. Then it suddenly dawned on me, as if an elephant suddenly dropped from the sky and crashed onto my head.

So i went to school, in a slightly joyous mood...duh, wondering what the first lesson was. Sent back thankyou's along the way to school. Was finding it amusing that other people slept at 12am to send me an sms yet i slept at 11pm the night before. Shows how much you people care right? :D
Yup so normal lessons till 12.30, thankyou to simon for the cheesecake that filled me till then, then went to the container class for the usual night study preps. Of course i was like the only one there all the way till 2pm. Then milly came in. "Something is very wrong" she said. Yup...i totally agree. Usually the classroom would be relatively filled with econs people after their lecture, but both of us were the only two people there. Decided to sleep first and figure out something later. Was like dreaming of something weird...then suddenly someone like bang open the door. Was seriously shocked =.= give me a heart attack on my birthday haha. Turned around to see a whole group of people walking in with a cake. Sooo cool!

Then was photo taking session. We (milly and i), had to smile for like...soo many photos. Jaw abit sore. Listened to the confession of LIES that people created on monday to organise the whole celebration. Some were convincing...as in like totally believable, but some were...just funny. Sadly had to go for geog supplementary for a test, but came back straight after. Studied, well sorta...talked alot more haha.
Was seriously going crazy after awhile. 18 years old going crazy. Woohooo...

Once again, thank you everyone!! Those who celebrated, those who remembered, those who forgot, those who remembered cause they saw the facebook notifications, I thank you all! (Gosh i feel like i just won some award)

Like leaves in the wind,
like ephemeral streams,
though years may pass and days may fly.
I will always remember the times
of joy and laugher,
no matter when, no matter the disaster.
I thank you all, friends or not,
for being here so high and free,
life is always beautiful, when you are all with me.


Saturday, August 21, 2010
10:00 pm
Phew..finally saturday, which means...rest. Been a tiring week with all the studying and tests. Speaking of which i still cant pass maths for one reason or another, so definitely...no mathematician. I am severely mathophobic. Oh, just went to hougang to cut my hair today. The difference in the bulk of it is obvious...unlike some people...i think. Met clarissa and adrian at hougang mrt to do our bi/tri-monthly trip to the barber. So heres the jist of it. Took mrt to hougang, met them at hougang, took bus from hougang, cut hair at hougang, ate lunch at hougang, went back home from hougang. So technically i didnt go anywhere today except hougang (duh...), well and sentosa for tennis at 5pm.

Ok so i've been staying back in school every (school) day for night study aaaaaall the way till 9pm. I think its taking a toll on the amount of sleep (and thus my sanity) that im getting during regular school hours. I can literally feel the energy being sapped from me everytime i have to wake up for 7.30 lessons, which may i add are at least 3 times a week. Well for people who live nearby, its not such a big deal but...i gotta wake at 5am for it so...im complaining, and you shouldnt :D

Yup so the few people who night study with me usually book one of them container classrooms somewhere in the nether regions *ahem* i mean near the back of the school, for our daily studying needs. Usually have to dump bags there really early cause by around 3 all the classrooms would be booked (notice kiasuism...it works). So milly and liyan says that container classroom 1 is like our second home right now...sounds kinda true. I probably spend more time in there than i spend time at home (excluding saturdays, sundays and public holidays, and also the time i spend sleeping). Lotsa stuff go on in there when people go crazy studying...and barry's usually the cause. Well...now you know where to find me if you need me. If you hear people screaming or shouting, its not me...its the people behind.

Rested for a day, should get ready for some physics spam tomorrow. Oscillations revision notes...i will scratch graphite on you.

mugging...has recently appeared in my dictionary

Saturday, August 14, 2010
10:25 pm
Hehheh...the weeks been awesome. National Day, then prepping for sam's birthday on wednesday, then sam's actually birthday on thursday, now YOG! Woohooo singapore!

Ok so i'll start with wednesday. Common lunch break before gp remedial, went to serangoon central with liyan and milly to prepare sam's birthday "cake". Haha inverted commas. Wasnt really a cake...more like peanut butter sandwiches carved to sam's name with candles and mini umbrellas sticking out of it. Anyway, we went to buy the peanut butter and bread for it, but then it started raining. Got him this super weird birthday glasses too. Then walked to the soya bean drink shop (a.k.a. F&B) for some peanut butter jelly time (without the jelly). Then some bread carving =D Since it was raining, got a slight bit wet. Ran a mere 10m in the rain or something...at least we protected the breadcake. Managed to sneak into LT1 even though we were late, so thats fine.
Went to get sam's present after gp, at j8. Looked around, and around, saw a really nice jacket (which he definitely needs), then had to model the jacket for him, hahahaha...though the width abit different ah. My size divide by 2.

Thursday, celebrated in the container classroom. Happy birthday samuel! Kudos to azizan who, under all odds, distracted sam away from the container classroom hahahaha. Barry was essentially the alarm to alert us...screaming and shouting da da da da (as in shooting a gun) =.=
Well, it was fun.

YOG performance was, debatably awesome. Rough start but...the idea was there. I suppose a small country having only 2 years to prepare did really well. The flaming vortex of doom at the end of the whole thing was spectacularly awesome! Its like...charizard's fire spin hahahahaha. Not planning to watch any of the games. Wanted to get tickets for tennis but...weekends are all fully booked. The others are on weekdays...cant really watch if the timing clashes with school now can i. Oh well...though this is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity...sadly i have As to prepare for.

Time to go back to what i was doing before i guess, resting my head from the many days if night studying in school till 8pm. I want my straight As!!


Monday, August 09, 2010
8:29 pm
National Day!!! Happy 45th Birthday Singapore! Was watching NDP parade since 5.30. Well, it was kinda great to me, definitely better than last year's at least. Though the fighting lobsters we're kinda dumb (the SAF people in their ultraman looking suits...spandex...), other performances werent bad. Singing was good, didnt pay attention to the rapping part though... This year's NDP song was ok i guess, though i cant say i like the lyrics very much...but well its supposed to be patriotic so...meh. Home is definitely one of the best so far (hail dick lee and his songwriting). Lots of fireworks this year too (unlike last year...like boom boom boom for a minute then no more). Still hearing some fireworks go off as im typing this, the parade ended 5mins ago too (its 8.35 now fyi).
Feeling rather patriotic at the moment...even sang the national anthem and said the pledge. Cool. Too bad once I start studying again it'll disappear like food on shixun's plate (i.e. very fast).

Played tennis in the morning at like..10am. Kinda hot out...not as bad as 2 months ago though. The sun was seriously burning during that period of time. The new tennis balls made my timing slightly off...hit some very odd shots. Oh well. This is the second time this long weekend that i've played tennis...once on saturday, once today. Arm getting kinda sore, considering that i played handball on friday during the sports carnival.

Ah in any case...better get back to doing physics...probably gonna get stuck again. Gotta find someone on wednesday to help me hahahaha.

fireworks o.o

Friday, August 06, 2010
3:18 pm
It's gonna be national day soon! Long break ahead of me. 4 and a half days of no school...i bet its gonna be really unproductive.

Ok went to school today for national day celebration. House exco j1s organised a sports carnival thing again and we had no choice but to participate. My class played handball and...unlike all the other times that we participated in sports, we got passed the first round. What an accomplishment =p i mean its like...seriously everytime theres some interclass sports competition, we step on the court once then we're out right then. Well we got second this time, so thats totally awesome. Good job people! Econs people had lecture test right after, so the others either went to the library, or go home (like me).

Been kinda tired the past few days...this whole weeks been 7.30 lessons all the way. Its gonna get worse next week...maths tutorial on thursday just got moved to 7.30...dont get to go home earlier either cause theres geography supplementary after that. Argh...there goes the one day that i get to wake up at 6.30 and still reach school on time. Stayed in school till 9.30pm the past 2 days too, to study. I suddenly feel so much more hardworking now...haha. Its like so much more productive to sit in the container classrooms with the aircon and (almost) no distractions. At home its like...computer, piano, tv, drums, err...computer...totally cant bring myself to study. Not to mention the intense incoming solar insolation with its longwave radiation penetrating into my room. So hot...not as hot as last month though, which is great. See? August is a good month.

So, i think i may study in school at night almost every day from now on. Not alone of course; theres always kel, sam, barry, zan, asraf, milly, liyan (like not much difference between school and home), joanna, possibly chris (possibly...), who are as hardworking as me haha, or more.

Oh AhLim apparently smsed my parents yesterday morning at around 10+ am cause he didnt have time to call them and talk to them. My mom was in a meeting when she received it... o.o
Apparently i have to work on my physics, but surprisingly he didnt mention anything about my maths...wow. Oh had integration test yesterday during maths lecture. I seem to be getting better, but maybe some odd mistakes here and there. I can do it! =D

Yup, maybe i'll go force myself to study right now, even though the environment (natural and physical) is totally trying to get me to not do so...

stars on my table...

Sunday, August 01, 2010
10:27 pm
Ahh...feeling really ill right now (not that im actually really ill, i hope...). My nose is running (dont mention anything about catching it, i know someone will), and its irritating my throat making me cough and sneeze. Its also putting some pressure on my brain...i can seriously feel it right now. Practically used a whole box of tissues today. Cant forget yesterday either. During maths test, i was ermmm making lots of noise at the last row of LT4. Used 2 packets of tissues in the hour...nice.

Ok...other than my nose trying to leak me to death, something interesting happened to me on friday. On my way home from school, i fell down at the bus stop near paya lebar mrt. It was damn funny, to me at least. Well the floor was slippery cause of the rain, and i was chasing after bus 13. So i ran, carefully, and ran, and slipped. Imagine the typical cartoonish banana peel slip with the person flying in the air for a second; it was something like that. Didnt sustain any serious injuries. It was rather ironic that i fell while trying not to fall...wasnt it. Best of all, i caught my bus! You see, this was all part of this secret plot of mine. I knew that i couldnt reach the bus on time, so i feigned the accident. This will grab the drivers attention who, because of the nature of the situation, would be shocked and thus leave the door open and forget to drive off from the bus stop. Amongst the confusion, i would swiftly pick myself up and rush towards the bus before the door closes, before the driver realises that im perfectly fine. Elaborate plan isnt it.

Played tennis with samuel, azizan and asraf yesterday after the maths test. School tennis courts were being used by the tennis team (evil J1 tennis people keep using the courts so much that it seems like they dont need to study at all), so we went to play at liyans house. Glad its only a 5min walk from school. *sigh* 5mins... Couldnt play till 11am though, so we had and hour to do random stuff. Played cards for awhile then went to change into our tennis gear (aka not school clothes). The girls (note: barry is a girl. He admitted it himself), went out to a-place-that-is-not-known-to-me-at-this-point and left us guys to do out guyish stuff. Didnt play very well for some reason...got better at the end though. Ran around for 2 whole hours and more....soooo tiring. Sam had tuition so we left the courts (if not we probably wouldve played for another 2 more hours), and went to have lunch.

Sam was late, so he rushed off first...wonder how the new specs look like...well i'll see it tomorrow. So me, azizan and asraf had to decide where to eat...on our own...thats bad. In the end went to kfc at j8 cause i live too far away from woodlands and the limited choice of food of the muslim religion. Im so glad im not muslim, wouldnt be able to randomly eat anything anywhere i go. Just saying. No offence if there is any hint of it anywhere that i dont see.
Azizan ate...faster than usual. Only took him about 30mins...which is wow. Well of course he felt horrible after that...dont understand why though. Physically unable to eat fast o.o Cool

Just started to make the class graduation video in the afternoon. Searched the whole of facebook to find class pictures to put in...videos too if possible. Some people have looooots of photos...made it really tough to sift through. If anyone has any class pictures that they wanna put into the video (or videos that they wanna put into the video), just pass it to me. As of now i still have a lack of content...

Yup i should really be sleeping now, a sick person needs his rest. Have chemistry lecture at 7.30am tomorrow (just knew about it thanks to sam, like 3hours ago). Urghh...hope i feel better tomorrow...

*sniff sniff*

This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

