Friday, July 23, 2010
11:30 pm
OMGOMGOMG im suuuper high now...tired but like...cannot sleep at all.
Managed to get into viva la music =D thats great hahahaha of course. Today was the performance!!! Thanks everyone who came to watch and support me!!! Especially those from my class =p Thanks to those who didnt come but still supported me anyway hahahaha. Ok seriously very excited. I practically feel like jumping up and down right now but i cant cause that'll wake my grandma/neighbours up.
Im kinda glad about the performance even though we didnt win. Was really fun, both the process and the performance itself. Sorta gives me a sense of achievement somewhat i guess. A lot of people said that my drum solo at the end was nice. Hahahaha thanks! Kel would probably say my ears are turning red or something...it probably did...
Great to play with the band (Julian, Hanlong, Shengling, Barrie), all the hours of going to chinatown to practice was kinda a good experience. All great people to be with, though maybe sometimes abit ermm...sick...but still great people. Hope to play with you guys again =D
Note: Shengling is epic on the piano...totally owned delvis during rehearsal hahahaha
Xplicit was awesome as usual (they won again...duh...), awesomeness X infinity lol. Watched them practice quite a few times, didnt think it was as good as the previous one at first but...i was TOTALLY wrong. 100% pawned BeatsPerMinute (even though they were pretty good too).
Well everyone who performed today was great. No matter win or lose. All had their good points and bad points but, overall still really good.
Of course this was all thanks to the AVA crew, cause without them this wouldnt be possible (well they did set up this whole thing...which is cool).
Im totally curious to see how my solo sounded...so im gonna watch it now. Thanks again!
jump jump jump MARIO!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
7:40 pm
Today was viva la music auditions. As you all can see, it didnt go that smoothly. I EPIC FAILED!!! BADLY!!! Gaahhh...so many screwy things happened. Cant really blame the ava peeps either.
I shall now list out what failed.
Fail one, didnt place a carpet under the drum, so the bass drum and toms were free to move as they please when i stepped on the bass. As a visual aid, picture this. The drums in front of me was so far away that i had to full stretch to hit it.
Fail two, couldnt hear the other instruments (including singer barrie), so had to play by feeling. Didnt get the ava to up the volume either...
Fail three, messed up my beat in the beginning...that, im sure, was damn obvious
Fail four, since i couldnt hear anything at all, i ended the song too early. Obviously my "feeling" aint that great.
Fail five, i didnt feel like i was nervous...till the drums walked away, like my GP essay paper.
ARGGHHHH....I sucked, dont try to tell me otherwise, cause i didnt meet my own expectations.
In any case, cant turn back the clock now, now can i. Best to look forward.
Anyway, at least i learnt what to look out for if i ever bring myself to play in public ever again... (looking on the bright side).
Well it was a fun experience in all. Wouldnt say i did my best but...sometimes stuff happens. Just gotta make sure it doesnt happen ever again...
On a side note, thanks everyone who came to support me (be it if you actually knew i was going to be there or not) on my first band group performance. It really means alot. If you didnt come, its fine too, sorta gives me less pressure if i play in front of an unknown audience. If i disappointed you, im sorry. If you thought it was ok/great, then it was a pleasure to play for you.
*sigh* suuuuper emo post i know...but tomorrow is a new day.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
8:18 pm
Sigh...didnt do well for mid years. Doesnt seem like i did well in any case. Probably only did well for chem and geog. Oh well, lamentations aside, all's well hahaha. Tooootally in holiday mood right now...playing psp and all.
Ok so today, everyone in the class got back their gp essays...except me. Reason? My paper is floating around somewhere, *ahem* quote mrs tan SL. I was like...wha... After coming to terms with my missing essay, i came up with 2 possible reasons. One, my essay was sooo awesome that every single gp teacher wanted to make a copy of it, and since most (if not all) of them have this bad karma thing with computers, they all had to write it out by hand, hence the delay. Or two, my essay totally sucked and the teacher who marked it mistook it for trash and accidentally dumped it into the paper shredder, soaked it in cold water, made it into pulp and used it to make recycled paper which her dog (also accidentally) ate.
Anyway, school was usual sides that. Walked around, had lessons from 7.30, flag raising, lessons (math lecture where the horrible news of only 25% passing maths came into view, of course i was naturally one of the 75%), break, lessons, home. Yup.
Viva la Music auditions are tomorrow...getting nervous just thinking about it. Better not to think about it then eh... Wouldnt say i have much confidence in getting past the auditions though. Oh well, whatever will be will be. Wish me luck.
P.S. coming to support makes me more nervous, if i see you that is (which i probably wont).
Thursday, July 01, 2010
2:27 pm
Whoa...havent been here for a really long time. Holidays and exams ya know...
Went to Canberra and Sydney in aussie for a geography trip during the 2nd week of the hols. Was really fun there (and cold...ok maybe not that cold...ermmm lukewarm? hahahaha ok it was abt 4degrees in Canberra and 14 in Sydney...). Walked around the bush (not to be confused with beat around the bush). Not really a bush...literally...its the foresty and outbackishy kind. Looked at granitic landforms and stuff (geog people will know...or at least the H2 ones), went to a fish market to eat reeaaaaalllly nice seafood pizzas. Went up blue mountains to the jenolan caves, again, from the time i went with my parents like 4 years back or something. Bought a few souvenirs (and hoping that i didnt miss out anyone. just didnt know what to buy for others..so no offense if you dont get any). Had a mass study session on one of the days...which was...tiring. Seriously think i cant handle sleeping less than 6hrs...was like tired for more than half the trip. Went searching around for glowworms in a small foresty place at night with a single torchlight..floor was wet, almost slipped. Yup. Bought food back home to feed my ever-hungry sister *chomp chomp*, aaaaand thats it in a nutshell.
As it is now, im having exams this week and the next...so once again i really should be studying. But...i cant seem to get myself to read physics (which i have tomorrow *gasp*), so here i am procratinating. Very tired from reading/memorising stuff which didnt come out yesterday night. Maybe i should sleep an hour or something then wake up to study...
Oh while procrasti...*ahem* i mean, inquiring over the internet search function, i so happened to come across this compound.
C169 723 H270 464 N45 688 O52 243 S912
Its the longest polypeptide found so far and has a total of 189819 letters...wonder which mad scientist managed to name the whole thing. Yeah so i was like trying to read whatever it said about the compound and...well...i stopped (or gave up).
Theres even a place in Wales called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
Imagine someone asked...hey where are you from, and you had to say this...nice.
Yup...i think i'll go sleep a sec. Physics is really mindbreaking....
exams...be over soon...