Wednesday, May 26, 2010
3:05 pm
I WILL STUDY HARD DURING THE HOLIDAYS!!! I will 100% hit my straight Bs target for mid years. Next will come honor roll for A's. Im sure i can do it.
Its like so very very hot now though...even though i wanna study, the heat is distracting me from my reading. Probably due to increased angle of insolation causing intensity to be higher, and also due to the lack of vegetation cover for shade. Large amounts of shortwave radiation entering the troposphere and stuff. Meh...geography...glad its of use.
Ok seriously, whats with all the advert spamming on my tagboard...its getting annoying. All i see are links that i would never ever ever go to...ever.
For some reason, been really sleepy the past few days. Definitely due to a lack of sleep but its not that i dont sleep early, more like i wake up too early. Yeah so you people know that i sleep at 9-10pm everyday and probably are thinking to yourself, "what the hell...i sleep at 12pm or later everyday" or something like that. Well...i wake up at 5am usually. Early aint it. Thats not the problem though. Problem is, now i wake up even earlier...like 2am or 3am...when SOME PEOPLE havent even slept yet or just started to lie on their beds. So essentially i dont get enough sleep. If you read one of the previous posts, you would know that sleeping less than 6hrs is bad...really bad. So i try to sleep again after i wake up...but that takes around 30mins...till i wake up an hour later. Rinse and repeat. By the time i wake up to get ready for school, my eyes are like wide open...till i actually reach school, then it closes every once in a lecture. Insomnia...
Oh wait...im supposed to be studying...
good luck for tomorrow people...
Monday, May 24, 2010
7:26 pm
Omg...for some reason, im feeling bored even before the holidays start. This is bad...reeaaally bad.
Ok, so i spent my weekends slacking at home (most of the time), played abit (well....) of facebook here and there. Played a few songs on the piano that i havent touched for who knows how long. Totally not productive...was supposed to write my sgc but couldnt bring myself to do it (a.k.a procratinating). Parents have been on a korean drama watching spree recently (i think they finally realise why i watch anime for hours on end, and i finally realise how difficult it is to scrape people's eyes off the screen). Well...parents not walking randomly into my room, so its been pretty quiet. Theyre like sooo into this korean thing that my dad suddenly decided to have a hotplate dinner thing. Basically is a flat metal pan on a heating coil but yeah...the usual korean bbq thing. Oh well...still food.
Sunday was equally non-productive...though relatively more productive haha. Went out to get new jeans for auzzie trip. Took a long time...went to orchard and all that, walked around, then walked back. Ate some fried chicken for dinner (parents had a craving for KFC but i didnt let them), then went to play tennis at 8pm at night. *sigh* tired, couldnt see the tennis ball properly either. No idea why. Reached home at like...10pm? Which explains why i was falling asleep during lessons today. Crap.
Ok...planned to do proteins tutorial like...13mins ago. Should really start like now...
work work...
Friday, May 07, 2010
8:06 pm
I finally passed napfa...damn pull ups... =.=
Wouldve done it last friday, if i didnt eat nasi lemak in the morning and felt queasy while running 2.4. Glad to say i learnt my lesson hahaha, ate a few slices of bread only. If only i had some paos to eat...then will have energy like the photons. Meh...
Still figuring out what i should do for next week's pe lessons...sadly still have to go for them. Roller blading sounds good...somehow. I could always continue doing pull ups though...maybe will be able to do it in a more relaxed way...like today.
Yup. Ended lessons at 12.30 today wahahaha...gp teacher didnt come, had 1.5hr break from 12.30 to gp lesson. Well...usually i would go home right away, but the call of tennis (and samuel) lured me to the courts. Reeaaally hate the school rackets (which is why i usually bring mine), but no choice in the matter since it was kinda a last minute decision. Played tennis for about 2hrs after eating lunch. Feel so active now...hahaha. Morning napfa, afternoon tennis. Tired.
Im like, reading geography notes now cause im too lazy to do any tutorials...sigh...especially maths. Just realised that i cant do a thing on exponential complex (aka tutorial 16D). Not gonna give up there though...just doing something else while i feel the drive to do it. Im lagging behind...oh noooo
Kay...back to hydrology and its 59 pages of lecture notes...(excluding those covered in J1). Great
Oh...i just read somewhere that sleeping less than 6 hrs or more than 9 hrs makes your lifespan shorter. Im glad theres no more PW...or CO.
working hard...
Sunday, May 02, 2010
10:53 pm
The past week's been a rollercoaster of emotions, not just for me, but also for the rest of the class i guess. First there was bad news, then no news, then slightly hopeful news, then the worst news. Some didnt take it very well, some (like me) probably showed no emotion but was also breaking up inside. We tried our best, there was nothing more we could have done. So raise your head high, for you have helped out with the best of your ability, and be proud of that.
Somehow, i feel so devoid of emotions, at least compared to the others. They cried their hearts out. Whoever said the phrase "cry me a river" must be damn happy right now, cause i think it actually happened. I wouldnt be surprised if the headlines one tomorrow's newspaper showed a new river in singapore (or if they show kallang river flooding). As for me, i did what i do best. Stone. Though this type of stoning is not your average stoning. This time a lot of things flashed through my tiny skull while i stoned. One thing i concluded was that, i should live my life as if today was my last day. Then, and only then, will i really be happy with what i've done at any point in time.
Ok...too much emo. Time to switch frequencies *cough* planck's constant or maybe just end. For those people who we're worried about me, thank you. I assure you that i'm perfectly fine, no weird thoughts in my head, no verge of breaking down kinda thing. I'm quite sure that i'm mentally fit to revise for geography test on tuesday (though i may not guarantee a good score, considering what i've been doing the past week).
Yup...since i gotta wake up quite early tomorrow (yes yes i know its a holiday, but what can i say, i'm a busy guy), i should sleep soon. Ok maybe now.
you will always be my friend. may you find peace, wherever you are...