Sunday, April 25, 2010
1:13 am
WOOHOOO!!! Super high from CO concert due to a multitude of reasons.
After many weeks/months of practice, its finally over. Over. Over. Over. No more CO!!! As much as i would love to whack the drums, i dont have to anymore hahahahahahahaa.
Everyone did their best, cant deny that. May not have sounded as good as we wanted it to be but still...its pretty good already. Thanks to all those who went for the concert, and also to those who wanted to go but have no time/got persuaded by me to not go ahahaha (well...its my fault im sorry). Seriously didnt think it would go this smoothly. Meh...
Yup...so...its now 1am in the morning. I rarely stay online till 1am in the morning...hmmm. Im really tired now though...all the instruments sooo heavy. The lorry ride back to school was abit too...ermm...thrilling too. Imagine theres this huge instrument (aka marimba) that could move side to side cause someone only locked one side of the wheels, AND the lorry driver driving faster than a sports car. Literally. We overtook at least 5 sports cars on the way back...including bumps on the road. Omg...
Well...im gonna catch up on some sleep, and a well deserved rest.
Stepping down...as of today
Saturday, April 17, 2010
7:58 pm
OMGGGG!!! Paya Lebar station for circle line opens today! After 1 year and 2 months...its finally open, my travel time to school has been cut by 20mins, can wake up sliiightly later. Its like sooo fast now. If i could i would name this day paya lebar yellow line day...seriously. Went to school for CO and took the mrt (for once), took it back too. =D
Oh yeah...pw results out yesterday. Smiles and frowns all around. I know some classes had like all As which is...really good. Apparently my school did better than MJ this year, improved by 27% from last year (and MJ did worse). Still...seems like all the cchms people that i asked got As, haha. Niiice. Well, for those who didnt get As, its not the end. Other subjects matter alot too. Shouldnt fret too much, what matters is where to get to, not how you get there.
Hmm...i should really be studying right now. Gotta work hard for A levels...especially for maths. Dont want the H-effect to come about for me again now would i. Then again...been soooo tired recently (thanks to CO). Seems like other ccas have stepped down already, more and more people being really free nowadays.
Kay, guess i'll think of something to do...
Monday, April 12, 2010
5:46 pm
Been so long since i last posted haha. Couldnt bring myself to move the mouse to log into blogger...
Really tired recently, last week was like...hectic. Dont reach home till at least 6pm everyday with 4 days starting at 7.30am (which means waking up at 5am...as usual). Kinda thought that i would be used to it by now...guess not. At least theres the weekends for me to play a few games lol.
Yeah sooo...having test after test, lectures of course. Doesnt seem like anythings changed the past few weeks that i've been studying...still failing maths tests. Well...the fruits of my labour wont come so fast i guess, either that or im still considered as slacking. Great...
NS checkup registration date coming to a close...how how how...still havent fixed a date yet. Gonna go with class, but havent decided yet (even though we chose 14th june). Wonder what they'll test for...
CO/Guzheng concert coming up too, 24th Apr at...haha dont know where, oops. Anyway, to anyone who is reading this, come and support k? Well dont really have to (cause i may screw up), but if theres anyone who wants to see me screw up on stage in front of a live studio audience (evil people...) then yeah, youre welcome to come too.
Im finding this amusing though. They fixed the date at 24th Apr when Filmfest is on the 23rd. I reaaaalllly dont think its such a wonderful idea. People who go to filmfest probably (unless super enthu) wont go for the concert...meh, oh well...im just the-percussionist-who-is-waiting-to-step-down =D
Ohman...this post seems very random. Jumping from one topic to another....
CO concert!!!