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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
6:57 pm
Maaan...im really bored now. Totally dont feel like doing any work. I suppose one day of slacking shouldnt be a problem, now should it. Well...yeah, so here I am posting...

Okok...so today was the usual 7.30 lessons with mr chia for geography. As usual not very productive cause only the people in my class were like...talking, and by talking I mean giving answers to the tutorials (not random stuff...ok not that much anyway). Still on hydrology, not too difficult I guess, though I hope im not wrong.

Then was maths and physics lectures for a grand total of 2hrs. Nothing much...usual stuff. People sleeping, people talking, people copying, people scribbling, people talking, people talking, people talking....

Ct and Assembly, some i-created-a-company-from-bottom-up people came to give a talk on choices of jobs that are related to the environment. Didnt help much though...considering the fact that I basically already went to NUS for a geography seminar about job opportunities. Ahlim sorta took ct to "persuade" us to study harder. Yup...I should be studying harder...hey it helped.

Anyway, maths tutorial, went through integration assignment to prepare for lecture test next wednesday. Mr heng gave me the feeling that its gonna be reeaaaalllly tough. I think it really is gonna be rreeeeaaaaalllly tough...crap. Next was chem supplementary, halogenoalkanes quiz, which I totally didnt prepare for cause I only knew about the test like...5mins after walking into the lecture hall. Didnt do that bad though, 12/15.

Oh yeah...ive been very very curious recently. Practically searching google about anything that I think of, mostly about health though...dont know why. Hahahaha shows that my intelligence is increasing =D

Hmm....what should I do now....
Kay i'll go read a book or something. Probably geography

*reading in progress*

Saturday, March 27, 2010
3:17 pm
Haha today was NAPFA ahhhhhhh. Actually wasnt too bad, just that couldnt do enough pullups, only did 1. Sadded. I blame it on the 1.5hrs of tennis that i played yesterday. That and the lack of practice that i usually do. Oh well...retest. The others was quite ok though, 245 for standing broad jump especially...still have a slight spring with me. Shaved off 30secs for 2.4 since last years timing too, which isnt half bad, now at 11.55. So...now (expectedly), my arms and legs hurt. Maybe i'll go play tennis again tomorrow, hmmm...

Been working hard on homework the past week or so, did tutorials and stuff, sooo hardworking rightttt? Cmon ya know ya wanna say it. Lol yeah soooo, went through like maths tutorials till 16A, chem almost done with H-X (halogenoalkenes), done with electromag for physics, well...for geog like, no homework. But was reading a book about globalisation, so yeah i think that counts.

Ok hardworkingness aside, seems that i dont really have that much time during school days. Should like...skip co every once in awhile or something to go home early to relieve stress (a.k.a. SLACK) or something. Well once the circle line opens at paya lebar i'll be going to school and back faster (yeeaaaahhhh like 20mins), totally cant wait for that.

Ohhh nice, my dads making that crispy pork thing. Sam cham bak or something...dont know how to spell. Meh...whatever.

oh happy days~

Thursday, March 11, 2010
5:09 pm
Woohooo cant wait for holidays to finally arrive!!! Finally. Recently holidays has just been a time to catch up on tutorials and additional homework though...hopefully will be able to finish all of them within the 1 week. Target : Honour roll =D yeah right...its like still sooooo far away.
Been feeling hardworking recently. Finished physics electric fields tutorial yesterday ahaha...im finding this amusing. Gonna do maths tutorial 14B after dinner too.

Oh theres this geography trip for H2 geog peeps coming up during the june hols from 4th to 11th so gotta keep myself free during that week. Some immersion programme at the university of australia in canberra. First time going to that state of aussie so im sorta kinda little excited hahahaha (watch the slackers in action).

Ok so, went for adopt a wish yesterday after school which was like...at 2.30 with yuxi, fel and two j1s from 1024. Basically all we gotta do is give the old people the stuff that they asked for a month ago, and its supposed to make them reeeaaaally happy cause they cant afford it, and we're giving it to them. Yeah. Gotta say they didnt actually seem to care about the gifts though...they even forgot what they asked for. Or rather they sorta preferred the company cause they're like all holed up in their homes and stuff. Was kinda awkward when we gave them their gifts then they had this puzzled look on their faces lol. Oh well...

Went off to this dessert shop near amk mrt after that. Got myself a cuppa durian moose (not a fruity animal thing), since i dont really like cakes all that much. Walked around the area for awhile eating it, then went to take the mrt home.

Oh yeah...theres this ecareer quiz that everyones supposed to take. Its supposed to give a selection on jobs that would interest or best suit you. Anyway, so i took it, and guess what was one of the options... Mathematician. Which is the most ironic job that they could EVER have given me, well since i havent seemed to have passed any maths tests (cept for 2 class tests) since the beginning of my JC life. Thus i can safely conclude that, this ecareer thing is a total waste of time. Another example why it is. Barry, mr H3 physics guy, got taxi driver and fireman as 2 of the choices. Seriously...there is no way that its helpful.

*sigh* kinda bored now. Reached home rather early today...at 3+. Would usually be like...9pm or something. Meh...guess i'll go do maths. Hope it doesnt fry my brain. I think i'll either go crazy or be braindead by tomorrow.

honour roll honour roll

Saturday, March 06, 2010
10:26 pm
1000X10000 Grats to Xplizit for being THE ONE! (ok since theres actually 6 members its not really the "one" anymore...more like the many). Jumped on a last minute decision to go for the one concert at lt4 yesterday night. Soooo totally didnt regret it (cept for the fact that i reached home at what...10.30?).

Got chinese A level results yesterday too. I wouldnt say its like...awesome or anything, though since when is my chinese ever awesome. Chinese...yeeesh. Anyway, managed to scrape out a C from the infinite depths of the steamboat pot. Was really happy with it when i looked at the result slip, literally jumped for joy (and screamed, and jumped around somemore, some people might have heard me 6 classes away but i dont guarantee that). The final resolution is...NO MORE CHINESE. Well until i have to go to china to work or something in the future, so i probably shouldnt stop using it.

Yep...today was sports carnival, kindly hosted by the house exco to take me away from another episode of pokemon. Dont worry i didnt hold a grudge from that. Maths trail was interesting...in a really nerdy sorta way. Me, the guy who hasnt passed a single H2 maths exam paper since the start of the JC1 year, decided to join maths trail. This...is so ironic (yes i know i've said this like...countless times for the past week or so but, its true). Wanted to slack during this event, since the frisbee slots were all taken up already.
Went to suntec to eat with shixun, barry, fel, milly, faisal and xueyuan. Liyan and kel joined up later. Ate at just noodles or something i think. Went to walk around and around after that, looked at tennis rackets while kel was busy buying a bag. Walked more, round and round, then went home.

Lotsa things going through my mind right now, so many questions that are gonna be left unanswered. *sigh* nothing is ever simple is it. No easy path lies from the start to the finish. There is always some distance to go before everything is left behind. Someone to help may appear, though odd or even, no one would know. Lines can never be perfectly straight, circles never perfectly round, sky not always blue, pitch not absolutely black. Up on the podium, the winner will laugh, at the expense of the relative losers. Even if everything were to be real, there is no knowing when it would turn unreal.

smile,like you always do...even if the world turns upside down


This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

