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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
11:47 pm
Wah...yesterday...go to school for only 30mins. Meet next year's gp teacher, took gp homework, then go home. Wow, shortest school day of my life. The bus ride there took me twice as long as i stayed in school. Well, of course then i was supposed to go for co at 6.30 but...i forgot. More like didnt see the sms cause i was at home, playing. Feel so free for once.

Holidays coming soon, like tomorrow is the last day of school (last day to slack...then the real holiday starts, with all the holiday homework. It now comes in stacks, get your copy now). Had all my 4h2s today = tiring. Not as tiring as normal school days though, so easily handled. Been noticing that less and less people in my class, wait no...in the school, coming for lectures. Its like, people are slowly disappearing. Probably about half my class came for maths lecture. Out of which, 5 or so were late.

Had service learning again today, book sorting, but didnt do anything at all cause of geog lecture. By the time lecture finish, the books also sorted finish. Yay. Played blockus with a few people after that cause was really bored, then went for co. Sadly, no percussion people were there at all, so i was basically the only one in my section there. Jun an came after awhile though so not that bad, but i was like...reading a book while waiting to play my part, which barely surfaced. Yup, oh well.

Wow...so late. Time to sleep. 2...wait no 3 lectures tomorrow. Almost forgot my h1, ECONS! Ahahahahahaha...ha..ha...

4h2 1h1 =D

Monday, November 23, 2009
10:31 pm
Been rather busy the past 2 days...all i can say about it is that, i survived afa09. Yay!
Went to suntec on saturday and sunday for the yearly anime convention..again. This time didnt seem to be as great as the last time though. Oh well, still had lotsa fun. By fun i mean standing and walking around the convention centre looking at mini models of anime characters (gundams inclusive), walking into shops and not buying anything, walking into shops and buying something, and just more random walking. Went on saturday with keokfei and oscar, and sunday with just keokfei (cause there was no one else to go with...its lonely going there by yourself).

Bought tickets at 11am on saturday (initially pre-booked though, but no time to collect), though my sis was supposed to help me get one =.= but obviously she didnt. Queued for like 40mins? Before finally getting one. Walked in, looked around, took pictures with adrians camera (borrowed of course, not begged or stolen). Probably got like 20+ or 30 shots in before going to meet oscar. When he got his tickets, queued somemore at the KKnM stall again, thanks to keokfei for queuing up earlier so it was sorta faster. Looked around the stall, this time not really as nice las the last time, selection not as wide.

Walked somemore. Walked even more. Took pictures. Walked. Took more pictures. Walked. Stood somewhere watching this guy demo a really nice drawing using photoshop for awhile. Walked. (Yes...alot of walking. Explains why my feet hurt after the 5 and a half hours i was there, each day of course). Oh yes...adrian didnt come cause he had councillor. Sad.

There was this karaoke booth with japanese songs, with lotsa crazy people singing. There was this group of guys acting really high and keep singing a really upbeat song with "conviction". Then saw...jake, the one from 4ep last year. The very same one. And...he was singing... Yes singing. *ahem* well...it wasnt...that...great, but definitely better than some others. There was this person though, sang really well. Lotsa people gave an ovation after that, cool. But that was for one song...then came the piercing screech of nails on a blackboard. *sigh* back to wandering the streets of the convention hall. There is not a one in a million chance that i will try to sing, not there not ever. At least not in public.

Oh yeah...oscar bought, three pillows. Wow. They each cost almost $30... The covers on the pillows were cute, yes, but its just too expensivie for me. Wouldve bought if i could afford it though, the allen walker one looked sooo nice. まぁいいか

Wandered around once again, bought a really cool looking D Gray notebook (of which i will never bear to use) and a fate/stay night card booster pack (for barry-suanning purposes. Oh did i mention that i have an archer card? and a saber card). The K-On seiyu (the people who voice the characters of the anime K-On) came to give a live recording for the anime. Really interesting. Their normal voices already sound like the anime characters, as in even without trying. Sooooo interesting. Wanted to take a picture but the guards wouldnt let me. Dammit.

Sadly (not really la), had to go meet derrick and huiqi at toa payoh at 5pm to get ready clarissa's bday surprise (on both days). So left the convention centre, took a mrt there (got to sit down), went to giant to buy ingredients for the dinner and cheesecake we were making on sunday. Walked around, bought more stuff, ate dinner, walked around, met with adrian, went to huiqis house, made cheesecake, marinated prawns, made a mini-movie (funny of course), then went home. That was saturday. On sunday, went to huiqis house, alone, cause derrick forgot to bring the edited movie, got ready ingredients for the making of the dinner, derrick came, started cooking (head-chef derrick, assistant chef me). Menu was: Mushroom sauce/soup (portabello), fried rice (my specialty =D of course as usual i just threw in random leftover junk), mushroom omelette, boiled cabbages and baked butter n garlic prawns.

Took a long time to prepare. Luckily clarissa came up slightly late, if not cannot finish in time. Surprised her, ate dinner. All i can say is that...it was good. Especially the mushroom sauce (and now i know how to make it). Played around, did random stuff, then went home. Yup...thats about it. Now just gotta sleep to make sure i wake up for tomorrow's 30min school day. =.= retarded. The bus ride there already 2 times longer than the time that i will stay in school.

really dont wanna go to school tomorrow...but still have to

Saturday, November 14, 2009
9:45 pm
Ahahaha...no more PW!!! OP just finished on wednesday. Practiced sooo hard just for that one day, guess it was ok though. Went out with samuel, kelmond, liyan, marion, felicia and milly after that to err...marina square for lunch (and to celebrate of course). Ate at Breeks, first time i go there... While orders were being taken, the waitress asked what flavour of ice cream we wanted, then i didnt hear properly. So i said, 6 lime and chilli and 1 black pepper (cause thought asked what sauce we want on our chicken). So everyone started laughing...and i didnt know what was happening till the waitress said "no, no, no...what ice cream. Vanilla or chocolate" =.= *sigh*. Walked around marina after that. Walk walk walk...then decided to go to this puzzle shop. JIG-SAW PUZZLES. Havent done for sooo long, since pri school i think. Helped (disturbed) my mother while she was doing. Looked around and around, samuel wanted pokemon. Was tempted to get something too. Saw all the one piece, naruto and kingdom hearts puzzles...but no money. Sad. In the end only milly bought something though.

But...that wasnt enough. After not finding anything we wanted to buy we didnt just stop there. We went to suntec to look at the other outlet to see if there was any more interesting puzzles that we could get, cause the person at the counter gave us a list of outlets to go to. Ya so...we went there...busy searching again. Yet...no money = no money so...nope didnt get anything. Sat down for a while outside the shop, a long long long while...long long while (legs abit tired, abit only ah abit).

Then thursday, went to play tennis with samuel and kelmond at school *ahem* no i mean liyan's house. Drizzled when we reached the court but...a little bit of rain wouldnt hurt anyone. Played quite ok i think. Stopped at 4 then started playing card games till 6+.

Friday, got class outing to plaza sing haha. But only 9 people came, and quite unexpected, some at least, barry (got tricked and thought ayl coming also), elton, nicholson (last minute then come), christopher (without his gf). Then got...samuel, kelmond, joanna, liyan and of course...me. Watched 2012. Its an emo show...why would people wanna watch a movie about how they will die =.= weird. Then went to arcade awhile, played the usual. Then to look at puzzles again (yup again). This time...i was prepared. My mother said she will sponsor if i clean up my desk, hehheh, and if i choose a 2k piece puzzle. So...i chose a 2k piece puzzle ahaha. Doing it now. Samuel also bought one. 1k piece one only though...but with frame so like...very expensive. Wonder if he got his mom to sponsor...

Went for SL today. NYAA again. Helped organisers to get the small kids (really small kids...like 5 to 12 yrs old) registered and bring them to the track so that they...dont get lost? Dunno... Anyway, was really tiring. Had to walk/run 80m many times. Well that wasnt tiring actually, not as tiring as trying to get the small kids to stay in line. Oh well...

Going back to my 2k piece puzzle...i think its gonna take me a long time to finish it. My mom is voluntarily helping me with it, though i didnt actually want her to volunteer. Just feel that doing it myself brings greater satisfaction. Meh..

ok so...which piece was i trying to "place"

This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

