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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
6:58 pm
Happy birthday to zhengxuan, milly, simon and shuyi ahahaha. Oh and of course.............ME!!! tytyty. I would like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday, on facebook, in school, by sms, by msn, no matter how or when, so touched that you all remembered *wipes tears from eyes* sniff. I would list down all your names but theres like too many, and im afraid that i'll miss someone out so...no listing. I would especially like to thank my classmates, who gave me such a niiicccee present (seriously like the hp strap), celebrated OUR birthday (ok zhengxuan? didnt forget), and smeared my face with cream (that i could still smell 2hrs after washing it off). Also, all the co people who celebrated AGAIN, with qimian almost pressing my head into the cake when i was taking out the candle with my mouth =.= And to those who sorta forgot my birthday: its ok, cause 16 to 17 really doesnt make me feel that much different. Just slightly older...which is bad ahaha. Besides, theres always next year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year, cause next year tends to infinity.

Anyway, im still finding it really cool that zhengxuan, milly and i (perfect english hehhehheh), all share the exact same birthday and came out from the same hospital. I mean its like the person in the cot next to me in the baby ward could have been them. Shocking isnt it. Yes i think so too.

Well..gonna go out to eat satay as a birthday meal. Ahahaha...though come back still need to pack up my maths file and do the tutorials that i havent finished (which...is quite a few). As much as i wish my birthday landed on a holiday (so that theres no homework or studying involved), i suppose there are still perks to having it in august. One, no exam (not in jc anyway). Two, you get to celebrate it with friends. Oh well...

=D =D =D (one for each triplet haha)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
8:16 pm
Soooo tired now...ahhh. Havent blogged for the past few days. Not really cause i was busy, more like...lazy to blog.
Ok, so saturday and sunday i went with adrian to the comics convention at suntec. His friend keokfei and manchung came too. Had geog lecture in the morn till 11am so met them at 2, of which adrian...was late, by like 20mins or something. Yeah anyway, when we went into the convention hall and took a look around, adrian kept saying that this year wasnt as good as last year...great. Im guessing financial crisis ahaha. There was this dota poster (the one in the loading screen) which looked really nice. It was like laminated and colour printed...sadly it cost $50. Sooo expensive. Walked around then saw these hatsune miku ezlink stickers, which was quite nice (and cheap), so i bought like...2 of them. There goes $3. There were all these comic artists signing autographs at a booth somewhere, with many many comic collectors holding their little cardboard protected comics wrapped in plastic walking around and queueing up. Expected. Walked around somemore then got abit bored i think, so we went to eat macs cause adrian wanted to. Went to sunshine plaza (somewhere in bugis) to find the kknm shop (sells anime stuff), didnt get anything cause they were half closed (seriously half closed...one side was barricaded). Went home after that i think...

Sunday, went again. This time there was a cosplay competiton. I dont really have much interest in it...just like to look at the sword props that the cosplayers make (cause they're soooo nice, specifically swords btw). Booked a seat (being kiasu) 2hrs before it started, then waited there playing psp and reading manga. Some were good some were just embarrassing...seriously embarrassing. After it was over, like already 5+. Went to walk around, bought a few more stuff, then went home. Very waste time hoh...

Yesterday, had lessons...bleh. Couldnt find my class during flag raising ahahaha. Then during the announcements, found out that my class was being quarantined in the atrium...oh yeah during the weekends, someone in my class (barry) had h1n1. So...if within the next 10days i fall ill with a fever, well...good luck to adrian. Anyway, study study study...didnt have a break cause my physics got pushed up to fill in my 1hr break in the morning. Ended school at like..2.30? Played tennis with samuel and kelmond before i went home. For like, 2hours or something. Total 2hrs...the first 30mins was plagued with lightning warning systems. Got a slight blister after that but its fine, doesnt hurt now.

Then today, probably the most tiring day. had a 2 and a half hr break cause didnt have geog lecture (geog teachers on strike ahaha, no la. Teachers not in school). Played tennis again for 2hrs. Then during pe, played tennis again for another hr with elton (man...school team one ok). Played badminton after that for 15mins in the hall cause gonna go for badminton interclass, so sorta have to get used to the whole doubles thing with nicholson. Learnt a few doubles tactics too ahaha. Rested for about half an hour talking to derrick, samuel and liyan in the canteen...then went to play basketball cause yuxi asked me to (not a very good reason i know). Played for about an hour...THEN went home. So now...my ankles really hurt. So does my right arm. Oh yeah...i currently look like a brownish apple. Think i got a slight sunburn or something. Oh well...it was fun any case.

Gonna have chem spa on thurs...great. Gotta go remember the anomalous results thing and the table for burette readings. Grrr...
At least im gonna stay back for night study again tomorrow, as with the other past wednesdays. It works...so why not.

study hard. play much much much harder.

Friday, August 07, 2009
7:40 pm
Woohoo, went for a night of night study in school on wednesday after co. At first it was supposed to be together with some of my classmates, samuel, liyan, kelmond, and a few others but they didnt go in the end. So i figured since i already brought my curry rice dinner that i made ffrom home the night before, might as well stay. Lucky for me some of the co people were gonna stay back so i went to study with them instead. Thanks to that, i FINALLY know how to do mathematical induction =.= Took me 1 and a half hrs to figure out the steps involved and understand it. Maths is like...so confusing... Reached home at 10.30+ on that day if i remember correctly...so sleepy when i reached home.

Ok then yesterday was my usual longest day for the week. 7.30 to 5.30 as usual. Missed my bus...cause i was playing psp at the bus stop. Was in the middle of fighting a few monsters when 155 went past...only noticed when i felt the shadow of the bus covering me, obviously by then abit too late. Went for maths tutorial late cause of that. Had to take an alternative...which was longer. Openly walked into the room while my teacher was teaching functions...i think he was in a good mood or something...didnt say anything. Either that or he got fed up with no one coming, cause like half the class was missing.

Then today was the national day celebration thing...something like a games day. Played in the inter-class captains ball section...first round, other team forfeited cause they didnt come. Second round, well...we lost. Oh well. Walked around random places cause had lotsa time...went to the canteen to get a drink, met adrian who dragged me to the atrium to play a few games, where i didnt do all that well after all. Then...went to watch my class run the 4x100m relay woohooo~ Sadly didnt do too well, but they give it their best so its fine. Played basketball for an hour or something till chem lecture started after that. Electrochemistry lecture at lt3 from 11.30 till 1...quite interesting but the aircon like not working...so very warm. I was sweating for almost the first 45mins so very humid around me ahaha. Had ct investiture rehearsal after chem lecture...so sian, cant even go home early during halfday. Ended at 4...sad. So its like a normal day of school cept with no lessons, no homework, cept for the fact that i had to do eom on thursday night till 1am in the morn...grrr pw. Not that im complaining or anything...

just another 19 more days =D

Saturday, August 01, 2009
11:07 pm
Ahhh...no tennis tomorrow, gonna feel so bored. My dad thinks i should study tomorrow instead of playing, so yeah. Oh well, i already played tennis on thursday with samuel in school before pe for like...30mins? The school racket really isnt very good...no vibration control, afraid that if i play too long my bones will shatter or something (it will you know). Maybe i'll get to play again next week during pe since the teacher not coming anyway. Can sneak away to the tennis courts or something hehheh *plots escape route*.

Ok, so i went for the syf presentation ceremony performance thing on thursday after pe which was at 4pm. So excited haha...esplanade leh. Can go backstage wander around, though the inside of the durian makes it feel like a hospital ward =.= but other than that, it was really nice. Drinks provided. Met some of my tjc friends, yaoxiang, jingwen and sianlin backstage, went to explore the room allocated to their school. Walked around somemore after that cause i had to get out when all the other tjc people came. Then performance time. The whole theatre was filled la omg...even those on the top seats. For some reason i didnt get nervous...which is good. Normally i would be panicking and having stage fright by then. Anyway, it was a really great experience. Kept my esplanade pass as a memento for the day when i got back to the co room.

Then then then, today ahhh, there was an impromptu performance at east coast the big splash there. Some red cross charity drive thing or something is it? Yeah then practiced (learnt) 2 songs in the morning for about 3hours for the performance. So...imagine that...practice for 3hrs then can perform 2 songs liao. Sooo pro right? Hahaha... Ok fine it wasnt very good, but like no choice cause no time to practice. Alot of people in co got sick also...like more than 10+ people at once. Like epidemic like that...hopefully not h1n1, if not i probably kena also. But seriously...how is it possible that 10+ people can fall sick on the same day. So im taking all precautionary measures...eating lotsa fruits and drinking lotsa water. Staying healthy man...

Oh and about h1n1, my chem and physics teachers teach in the class that got that h1n1 case. So...dangerous dangerous. Whats worse is that i sit with my chem teacher on the bus very often...so if he gets a fever within the next 7days or something...you get the idea. Great...they should jsut quarantine the whole school or something.


This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

