Saturday, April 25, 2009
11:43 pm
Ahhh....sooooo busy these few weeks...all thanks to syf *yawn*
Ok once again i met my chem teacher on the bus....seems like its becoming a very common occurrence...gaah. That was on...when ah...tuesday i think. Yeah, tuesday morning at 7+ at paya lebar mrt. Moving on...to wednesday. The day that i overslept...(not my fault...alarm clock seemingly didnt ring...) and went to chinese lesson like...15mins late. Absolutely wonderful...hope i didnt miss much...
Ohh yeah...wanna know why co is tiring me? Cause i always reach home really late...like 10+pm...on tuesdays, wednesdays and for this week...friday. Problem is, i dont get to play my part at all...cause the conductor keeps going through the song that doesnt have my part. Meh... Anyway, got to skip gp lecture and tutorial on wednesday cause of the performance during the assembly period (not that i wanted to in the first place)...im sure some people *ahem ahem* were sniggering...cause of it =.= You people know who you are...
Now for a recap of today. Which...is...saturday. Reached school at 8am cause my mom sent me, had co "practice" till 11+ (played basketball with yuxi and qimian...cause i had nothing to do...) then went back to the co room to finally play the song that i get to play. Walking into the co room after a basketball match was awkward...cause everyone was like staring at the 3 of us when we walked though the door...the seniors (renyi to be exact) were like...clapping... Played the song twice or something then went for break. Got ready for the college day performance (carried instruments and stuff...blah blah...) then slacked somemore. Did a few pull ups then went to change into performance costume which looks quite nice haha... Despite the slight mess ups, i think the performance went relatively well...i hope. Ahh ya then...rushed for jap lesson...of which i was late by 30mins. Yes 30mins...
Didnt reach home till like...11pm...which was an hour ago...so...yeah. Im still blogging though...hehheh...soooo tired. Think im gonna fall asleep on the keyboard...i sacrafice so much to blog...all you readers should be happy wahahahaha. Jkjk
Ohh yeah....almost forgot...me is the class vice-chair. Looks like i wont have time in the months to come...at all.
pw is fun...when pigs fly...
Friday, April 17, 2009
9:32 pm
Whoo today so slack...3 lessons only...PE, chem tutorial and chinese. I love even week fridays =D
Ok yesterday right...when i was going to school, i saw mr dennis lim on the bus again...omgomg. I was playing my psp at the paya lebar busstop waiting for 24/135 to come...then when i got up 135, i saw this guy walking to the back of the bus in front of me. I was like thinking "hey...this guy looks familiar...oh no...is it who i think it is? cant be la...so early in the morn" then...he turn around to sit down... =.= Then i waved...with my err..ok look (ahh...you know the one i always give) and said err....hi. Sat in the seat right in front of him...seriously wondering what he was thinking...watching me play my psp the whole time haha. Well...he didnt ask me to do chem with him...not even awake so early in the morning do chem. Yeah anyway, after we got down he like...questioned me about my chem test mark...so i told him i didnt study blahblah...yeah. Then go for lessons...wasnt too bad...i think.
Lessons were sorta the usual, boring stuff...finding chem even more fun with all the bonding structures and dipole stuff. Dont we all love chem? hahahahaha...kay nvm back to today. Revised chem by teaching faisal...hopefully i didnt get anything wrong...sorry in advance if i did =p Err...yeah...then frisbee for pe, chinese...same old textbook stuff. Chem was well...very tutorialish. Yeah. Watched teachers get dunked during the colours of hope carnival thing. Hmm...oh yeah thanks to zhengxuan for buying me a drink using barrys coupons (means im sorta indirectly thanking barry...i think). Played basketball with yuxi and other people while walking past the basketball court...excercise is good for your health...but its damn tiring.
Well yeah thats it...besides the fact that i met my sis on the way home...havent interrogated her for that...cause shes not supposed to be able to meet me on my way home. Hmm...guess i'll do it now.
me likes tetrahedral structures...
Friday, April 10, 2009
5:30 pm
Man...so tired of doing PI...at first didnt even know what topic to do about...so sian. Finally figured out then still gotta do research...even more sian. Then researching that time cant find a single thing...even more sian. Research finish liao then gotta type it out...sian. So in short...PI is sian. Anyway...im doing conservaton...my topic...dunno if acceptable or not...ahhhh so frustrating *hits head on keyboard* Ok so...im really bored. My PI is currently 33 words short and i find...totally lacking in A&E. Oh well...first draft anyway...wonder what kinda comments my teacher will have for me.
Ahh...jc life isn't that stressful for me...know why? Cause cause...i havent been doing anything that stresses me out. Wow...wonderful isnt it. Actually its not...cause i havent been doing anything at all...which means not studying (cause basically if you do anything is jc, its stressful). Its a miracle i passed my physics test...but failing chem is kinda to be expected...dammit. First time failing chem...i really gotta go study...but arrgghhh damn this PI. Its not the PI's fault...well ok maybe it is...partly. Anyway, after i got back my chem test, i found out i knew how to do the questions...every one of them. My secret? I studied right after i got home on the day of the test...weird arnt I...before the test dont study...after the test then bother to open my chem notes =.= Yeah so...i gotta tell myself...study first...not after.
Lets change the subject shall we...im taking jap lessons again. Just started like...last sat. Its not that i have too much time...i just find it fun haha (cause no one can understand me hehhehheh). Nah kidding. I gotta find someone whos good at the language so that i can practice...lacking jap speaking buddies...maybe i should put up a sign that says "help wanted" or something like that. Ok nvm...that was lame...
Going to Japan on the 4th of June for a CO trip...wheee. (note to self...i gotta figure out how to sound enthusiastic when i type...) Yeah...im excited...kinda. Never been there before...its like pluto to me. Butbutbut...gotta get past syf first. Of which...i think i'll be fine...cause i hardly do anything anyway.
Oh yeah...SC elections are over. Congrats to all those who made it (especially those i voted for, cause all got in) namely, adrian, clarissa and marion...and another 2, of which i think i randomly clicked. Now theres the ExCo elections...(more sweets to take =D , i support bribery). My class has like 4 nominees...but each person has only 1 vote...so i have totally no idea who to vote for. Well...i think i have a slight idea who to not vote for but...oh well...for me to know and all you nominees to never find out *snigger snigger*.
Oh crap...its 11 already...havent done finish PI...that last 33 words...shit. Okokok...busy busy...
P.S. Theres something wrong with my msn...i cant start conversations for some reason...and if i dont reply for a long time, i cant continue messaging either. *grumbles* Ahhh yeah...so if i dont answer for a long time...its cause i cant...so just type some random thing like every 10mins. Plzty.
time to conserve...food hehheh...feeling hungry already
Thursday, April 02, 2009
8:52 pm
Hmm ok...been having lotsa tests lately. There's like maths, geog and physics so far....then next monday got chem test on the first 2 chapters or something. Gaaahh... Actually most people at this point would say it's very tiring or something along those lines...but for me...no. Know why? Cause i havent been studying...wonder how i'll do. I think i did ok for geog and physics...can get quite ok marks. But for maths...well all i can say is gg. Gg to AP/GP, gg to my maths test and gg to me... Not something to be proud about i know...but...yeah.
Well...the tough part is finally over for this week. Alotta free time tomorrow to catch up (or play patapon 2 hehhehheh...). Gonna have a total of i think...almost 3hrs of break, so will be in the library like almost the whole time. Come find me if you're free haha.
Finally remembered to vote for the SC thing...adrian, clarissa, marion, say thx plz. Kay...err...now what...oh yeah. On a random note, i got lotsa people in class addicted to patapon. Pata pata pata pon hahaha...so catchy.
atomic structure...so fun