Friday, March 27, 2009
8:03 pm
Okok...first i would like to say something. Hello to all the new random people who just found my blog cause of my stupidity and carelessness...*mumble mumble* ahem yeah...so have fun looking around.
Yeah...been quite busy the past few days cause of something...walked round parkway searching for straws for folding stuff on tuesday i think..after co. Waste my time...go to giant, cold storage, ntuc, isetan and all those random shop along the way there...couldnt find at all. Went back on wednesday to check again after that...finally found some straws. Fold fold fold till so late...fold in during chem lecture also. Fold halfway that chem teacher stare at me like she see alien like that...got that "kua simi" face. Cause i like almost got no time.
Then on wednesday, stared at my dad's recipie book for a long long long long time. Totally dont understand instructions. Cant believe i pulled it off. Took like 3hrs or something like that. First one like accidentaly messed up abit...so i made another. Ahh..ya.
Thursday probably worst...cause had pe for last period. Then...=.= during pe do pt. Sian...first ask all the guys to do a total of 15 pull-ups, then jump left jump right 100 times (jump left + right = 1 time). Not enough...still gotta do squats...100 of them...reaaalllyy slowly. Yeah...then got lunges...200m. After that cant even feel my legs...cant climb stairs. Cross overhead bridge need to hold onto the railings haha. Then...at night...i found out the bottle hold too small...cannot fit my straws. So...walked to parkway...to buy stuff. Tiring... *yawn*
But but but...im satisfied...kinda. Need to catch up on my sleep...but oh well. Theres time for that tomorrow in co when the conductor rehearses the parts that i dont have to play...which will probably take up the whole 4hrs that i would be there. Hmm yes...dont mind me...just talking crap as usual. I still gotta figure out wat to do with the junk i have lying on my table, and i gotta figure out how to do the maths stuff since i've been sleeping alot in lectures lately...
Ohh yeah ohh yeah...on wednesday when i was going home from school right, i went on bus 24 as usual, then i saw my chem teacher...(actually he saw me...but lets not care about the details shall we). Then after like 6 stops or something he sms me...and ask me to go to the back of the bus to........do chem. All the way till i reach payalebar mrt...so fun. Note...actual msg was "Oi brendon, wat are you doing standing there, come behind and do chem" (i was standing at the front of the bus...he was behind). And so i turned....and the rest is history.
happy birthday
always remember...しあわせ
Friday, March 13, 2009
10:19 pm
Just ate finish some really nice german food that my parents brought home. Sauerkraut is really sour...think its preserved cabbages or something. Wonder how those people eat it every meal...like rice for them haha. Mashed potatoes was really soft and err....fluffy..i think...cant find the right word for it. Then theres the sausages...*speechless* =p
Ok...so first period of the day was PE...played captain's ball. Was all right at first, being the captain and all...caught a lot of balls, then when time almost up, i decided to jump to reach for the last ball...bad choice. I fell...with my palm taking all the impact. I think i hit a nerve or something...hand was like shaking for the next 30mins after...yeah...was quite pain. Even now when i move my arm to certain positions till hurt... Anyway, after i fell, the game ended...i feel so honoured...all stop cause of me...heh.
Had a 2hr break after that, then went for chinese. Teacher got sore throat...cannot teach...so she use powerpoint to teach. Silent lessons haha...feel so awkward. Then my class realised it was friday the 13th...then started to discuss how suay i was...
Chem was after. Teacher make a joke...though it didnt sound like one...but was funny. Man...my chem teacher rocks. Went through double indicator titration and back titration (slept in lecture...didnt know what was going on...) then i finally understood...
Last lesson was geog...took out the only geog worksheet in the whole class that was done...nice. Sadly teacher went to show my scribbles on the OHP then told the class that it was illegible...technically only i was supposed to read it...cause i was gonna type it out when i got home, but nooo...
Oh yeah...didnt go for TheOne today...(talentime...for those not in nyjc). It finished at 9...which meant that if i went...i wouldnt reach home till 10.30...which sucks. Cause thats like 15 mins ago...sorry to all those who wanted me to go but didnt see me there... Just finished compiling geog notes also...so i'll make it up to you guys by sending them to you if u take h2 geog =D
rhyolitic processes...andesitic volcanoes
Monday, March 09, 2009
10:42 pm
Ok...i finally finished both my MRP and my PI yesterday...at like 12 or something. Thats probably the reason why i slept in lectures again today...sooooo tired. Then i found out today that MRP only had to be handed up on wednesday...and my teacher didnt actually check my PI. Great...just great.
Oh yeah...i finally got the last book of twilight last friday. Started reading yesterday cause got sports carnival (a 3km run) on saturday, but it was canceled cause of rain but i had a class outing to watch marley and me. Hmm...the show's not too bad... Anyway, i just read the book finish about 10mins ago. Sooo glad it was a happy ending...would seriously hate it if the ending was sad.
On a totally random note, my class asked me (of all the people in the world...) to design my class t. Wow...i'm shocked. And i have no idea wat kinda design to draw out. I think my head is gonna melt soon cause of how much i'm actually thinking right now as compared to before...you know brains are made up of fat...so...yeah...it's actually possible.
Holidays coming up soon...i think it's next week if i'm not wrong. My friends in poly are already helping me make plans...think they're too bored or something... Can't wait to catch up...and get my harddisk back, together with a few more psp games to add to my extremely miniature collection. Oh well...time to sleep...again...
as always...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
10:07 pm
Wahahaha I'm blogging cause I have free time now...well it just seems that way cause I'm not doing anything. Still have MRP and PI to do...deadline is next monday...crap crap. I havent even typed a single thing...omg i'm soooo dead.
Moving on, I had this chinese compo practice today...wah i have never written more than 400 words...now ask me to write 500. No bao zhang to use to anyhow write also...like all gotta write narrative. Arggghhh...chinese...why does you be torturing me so... Great now my english is going down the drain. Anyway, i sorta wrote 622 words in total...hehheh...narrative can write so much. All translated from english to chinese while i was writing...lucky got dictionary...if not will minus all 8 marks for writing wrong words =.=
Chem lecture...i slept...omg. For some reason i've been sleeping in lectures...even chem. I only woke up when i realised i didnt know how to do the practice questions. Wow...i didnt know how to do chem...not even the easy questions. At least i think i got the hang of it before the lecture ended. I think...
Geog lecture was somewhat...ermmm...i dont know how to describe. Learnt about fertility rates and what affects it...well...
I printed 51 pages of geog lecture notes the previous night for nothing...man. Human geog topic...and i printed physical geog.
Then came PE...at first thought had to run 3.2km again. Then dont need cause got PE project...yes I have a PE project. Something to do with my school being the training field for the Austrian youth olympic team next year...have to do research somemore. I think the teachers like too lazy or something...then delegate to us people...scheming teachers.
Oh yeah...now my classmates are calling me casper's best friend for some reason. They say its cause whereever i sit, theres always an empty seat next to me...and that i keep staring in random directions...i find it sorta creepy actually.
Ahh..time to go sleep...waking up at 6.45 tomorrow...dammit.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
9:59 pm
Man...JC life is soooo tiring...and CO doesnt make it any easier. Wake up at 5.15...reach home at 6-7pm...sometimes at 9+
Ok...so i went to orchard on thursday after school to sign up for more jap lessons. End sch at 6pm still need to meet oscar at orchard mrt...sian. After signing up, walked with him around orchard...went to eat dinner since i didnt have any after school, then drank some coffee. Couldnt find the mrt station after that though...then walk walk walk...walk till dhoby ghaut mrt. Reached home at 10.30....so tired...
Luckily on friday i only had to reach sch at 10...went early anyway though. Reached at 9...see i so on one hehheh. Helped with my class project work abit before going for pe. Wah then pe run 3.2km...after that soooo tired. Wats worse is that i havent actually ran long distance since the cross country last august...so my legs hurt alot now...
Ahh...my dad made satay today, all chicken. And, by experience, the only way to cook satay is by bbqing it. Had to start fire, blow blow blow the charcoal...but the satay was delicious, as always. Arrgghhh...just remembered that im gonna have pe tomorrow...so im probably gonna have to run again....great. Oh yeah....theres a uniform check tomorrow too...have to wear the belt that i havent been wearing since...ever...if not...good luck to me.