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Monday, November 24, 2008
8:02 pm
The anime convention finished yesterday!!! Reached the convention hall at 9.30...went straight to the queue to buy more stuff haha. At first i thought there wouldnt be anyone there cause the convention actually starts at 10...but...there were actually a lot of ppl already. Took longer this time to reach my turn...abt 50mins i guess. My sis actually went to cosplay as an anime char...(think its called loveless), with cat ears and tail =.= Well...at least people actually could relate the costume to the char...if not it'll be a bit weird. After awhile, adrian and keokfei came...didnt know till he smsed me. My sis was like...really happy to know a person (keokfei) who watches loveless...she was like smiling the whole time. After that 50mins, looked around the booth to buy stuff cause they had new stuff...namely the CCS mousepad which i bought...last one hehhehheh. Walked around taking pictures of stuff that i missed the first day...then found a place to sit for the cosplay competition, and cause adrian wanted to...watch...tamagochi... The show was boring...seriously...but apparently adrian has different tastes. My sis found her friend amongst the crowd so she left...thank goodness...
Anyway, oscar came quite soon after that cause he wanted to buy gundam00 stuff and vamp knight stuff from that same booth that we went to. So...i helped him queue...which took another 40mins. *yawn* Bought more stuff cause they restocked again...then went to watch the cosplay competition. I must say...quite a few had really nice costumes. The cosplayers had to have a short skit to display how their characters acted...some were really funny...some werent. Loved the props though (especially the kingdomhearts ones). Code Geass seems to be really popular...cause like 3 groups went to act. One group had the robot that the main char piloted...so nice!! But it got destroyed when the guy inside it climed the stairs on stage... Theres one group that cosplayed as ultraman...all the guy did was that weird ultraman pose...
Left the place when this group whos skit has seriously no link with the anime came to act...it was supposed to be about ff7...with tifa and cait sith. Was really weird...totally totally weird. Yeah... Went to the food court at tower 1 to eat after that. My sis came to find me cause her friend left...and she was still wearing her costume...great. So we went back...walked around more...queued up for the last time (another 40-50mins...) then decided to go home cause my hp batt was dead. Adrian was waiting for a friend though...so he didnt follow. Reached home at like..6+, just in time for dinner.
Now for today. Started watching anime again this morn...by morn i mean 12midnight++. Stopped to chat for awhile on msn then continued again. Woke up, watched more anime...haha. Oh yeah...my jap classes started today...almost late cause i misjudged the time needed to go to the place. Yeah...the teacher was really interesting though...he kept making us converse in jap. So he would like ask if we were going anywhere after lessons (in jap of course), then we had to answer, some could not find the jap word for the place so they just randomed from the board. Tiring really...still have some homework to do...so...jya na!


Saturday, November 22, 2008
9:11 pm
So many things to post about these past few days...really been posting quite often.
Yeah...anyway, woke up at 8.30 today to find out i slept in...rushed to get ready to go to the anime convention at suntec convention centre room4, together with my sis (cause she doesnt know how to go on her own). Queued up for the 2-day ticket for like...almost 20mins before i got bored and decided to find zongyang so that i could cut the queue (yes, that guy actually came)...glad i did....cause there was still like...another 10+metres of ppl left in front of me. The queue sorta snaked to the entrance of the toilet and back...so the length at first was kinda deceiving. So, got my tickets and went in. Walked around awhile then saw this really really nice booth selling posters, tablemats and other anime stuff, so i went to queue...again... Adrian and his friend keokfei (is her name spelled like this?) came to find me. Then they got bored of the queue and went to walk around. 20mins later, clarence came. Talked for awhile on what i was gonna get when i reached the booth, then he went to walk around too. So...alone i was for the next 10mins till keokfei came and asked if i could help her buy a poster. Decided to let her cut my queue. 10mins later...(yes...it was a really long time...) i finally reached the booth, and...the shakugan no shana poster that i wanted to buy was sold to the person in front of me...RAWR. No matter...bought a fate/stay night tablemat instead, and a hibari kyoya folder (hehhehheh...my sis loves hibari...she's pestering me to give it to her right now...). Happy with my purchase, i went to look at the gundam display. The life sized gundam was so cool!!! Took a pic of it but dont know how to put it here though...oh well. Went to this whole row of gachapon machines (you know...those things where you put coins in and turn till a capsule comes out). Got a naruto and neji figurine from there. Wanted a hinata one too but...well...got another naruto one instead. Clarence was like spending a lot of money just trying to get one he wanted...sadly he keeps getting the same one over and over again. Went to another booth where they were selling drawings and those metal badges with pictured on them. Got a yuki nagato one (from suzumiya haruhi). Watched the creator of gundam talk about stuff like how he managed to get the idea of gundams. Listened to the songs too, from the first gundam series to gundam 00. Current song sounds nicer...
Went to FG class outing at Sakae sushi at tanjong pagar with adrian. Clarissa's birthday o.O so we were celebrating it there. Ate the teatime buffet till really full...didnt even eat dinner, plus clarissa treated...thx clarissa!! Everyone was like making so much noise...then derrick kept saying that we were from dunman high... I mean like...some of us were screaming...
Took a few class photos and ate more food wahahaha. Oscar was eating all the mochi...think he ate more than 8...we actually managed to stay there from 3 to 5+. Went to arcade after that, played a bit of drummania with oscar. Others were playing either DDR or some shooting games around there. Left for home early cause i didnt wanna go watch a movie...so late...went home with adrian, talking about me helping him put FFIX into his thumbdrive of which is too full so i cant =.= 1kb more and it would've been fine.
I basically went out the whole day...so tired now...but gonna play psp before i go to bed. My sis is gonna cosplay tomorrow at the convention...i'm not staying anywhere near her...


Friday, November 21, 2008
8:18 pm
Really really boring day today...absolutely nothing came up... So, what do i do? Play disgaea on my psp and do random stuff like walk to the kitchen to find some food to eat.
I actually got myself to clear up the mess on my table...looks so empty now, Like...some black hole just appeared to suck up everything. But...though my table is cleared, my floor isnt...cause i dumped my junk there. That, and some of the stuff is in my sis's room...so she's got some cleaning to do. Oh well...for her own good anyway...all my useful stuff collected over the last 2 years i gave to her, hope she takes care of it. Gotta wait for the karangguni to come tomorrow so that i can sell my pile to him...(my pocket money for the holidays).
Gonna start reading books soon...still havent read the latest artemis fowl and eragon books that i bought like...2months ago or something. Well...short post short post...time to do something else.

monkey madness =D

Thursday, November 20, 2008
9:40 pm
I feel happy today, guess why... hehhehheh
I finally got my new comp!!! Its like...so new...and so shiny =D Went to Simlim with my father to get it...not only is it better than my old comp, it only cost $997. Down from the 1300+ that my old one cost. Dont have to wait for my parents to finish doing stuff of their comp no more. Went to Suntec to have lunch after that...and to teach my sis how to get to suntec convention centre since she'll be going for this anime convention on sat. I still dont think she knows though...she was like...smsing while i was telling her... Ahh well...if she gets lost she'll call anyway. So much stuff to do now...my room is still in a mess with my books stacked in huge piles on my table. Though i really dont wanna see them again, the size of the pile doesnt makes me feel like clearing it. Probably gotta do it this week though...cause my mother threatened to stop me playing computer till i do...
Right now i'm sorta installing stuff on my comp, which is why i'm so free to do this... man...warcraft takes one helluva long time to install. Ohh...its done...nvm. Downloading maple just in case...there's still another 45 more mins...damn. Then there's the Java applet...and the live messenger...and the norton... I so hate installing stuff on my comp...oh great...maple download just went up to 55mins.
Oh yeah...speaking abt maple, seems like more people are starting to play...be it the original or the private servers. In fg, i think like all those people who once played maple are playing that Carestory server or something... I...am never going to play private servers...they...are crap. That is all.

Been looking through past posts recently, especially the first few when i just created this blog. Realized its been such a long time since then...like 2 years... Plus how much people i know have changed over the years. Some have sorta changed for the better, some for the worse... Really wish that i could turn back time to relive those happy memories again. Though i know i probably wont be able to do that...there's just this slight glimmer of hope, somewhere. So just wanted to take this emo time to say this...to my good friends, may we stay good friends throughout our lives, and to those who i really do despise...get lost haha, jk. Hope that we can be friends in the future. If someday, somehow, I disappear from this earth (choi choi), and because of that someone i know is so extremely depressed till it hurts, i would wish to be forgotten. But, till then, i shall treasure every moment that i have, and i hope everyone does too.
Let the emoness end.


Monday, November 17, 2008
8:58 pm
Grrr...feeling so bored now cause runescape doesnt work...neither does neopets...
This guy came to check my internet connection today. Also strengthened it i think...though i dont really see much difference. Could be cause of this that i cant play...grrr... Anywho, i'm gonna go to funan to look for a new comp on sunday with edwin and aaron, together with my budget of $1k which is like...so little, but cant really complain...
Since i had so much free time, i also decided to look around the web for jap schools in singapore. Well...i figured i'd like to learn jap, cause i cant read the stuff that i'm playing...(namely naruto, bleach and a few other jap psp games) and of course to expand my general knowledge...(but mostly cause i wanna play games...heh...). Anyone wanna join me? =p Now all i gotta do is enroll myself in the school of choice before all the slots are full.
Oh yeah...i'm moving to shanghai.
Buuut...i persuaded my parents to let me stay in singapore with my grandmother. Sis is really excited though...dunno why...i just simply dont like living in china. Went there 3 times and still didnt like it there. Yeah.
Gonna go waste more time now...

what to do what to do...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
11:55 am
2 Chalets back to back...so tiring...barely had enough time to slp.
LY chalet just finished today...took chorhung's parents car home, wahahaha. Still havent eaten breakfast though, feeling hungry...
During FG chalet, went to watch HSM3. Soooo nice lol...wonder why the other guys didnt like it. Chalet was at aloha loyang...which is like a 10min walk from E hub...had to walk to and fro like...3 times on the 1st day. Went home the 2nd day so didnt go wild wet. Played mahjong during all the free time..hehhehheh...won quite a few.
LY chalet was at costa sands...had a BBQ the 1st day as usual. Someone brought a packet of water bombs to bomb 4IT with...evil ppl... Went to play drummania with weijie and jingwen at the E hub. Most went to watch Quantum of Solace till 3am...i didnt...dun get bond movies.
Next day most went to wild wet...i didnt go either...stayed in the chalet playing cards with henry and a few others. Went night cycling at night...duh. Weichen bought more water bombs to attack the IT ppl with i think...i just took care of the bikes. Then cycled for an hr or so to err...fengshan food centre or something, ate some sotong that jiahao bought, talked for awhile, then cycled back. Nico was like complaining that his butt hurt from sitting on the bicycle seat for too long. Got back and bathed, slept almost instantly. So...all in all...quite a nice week, but very sleepy.
Chem paper was cheese lol...though a few mistakes (2 or 3) but should be fine. That paper marked the end of the O levels...finally. For me anyway. Hopefully can go to a gd JC...wish me luck~


This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

