Sunday, June 22, 2008
7:54 pm
Well...its the last day of hols...crap. Most ppl i noe probably either doing their homework n cramming it all in one day trying to finish, or...dun intend to do anything at all. Me? I've finished my hw already...i think...
Ok...checking the timetable. Omg...my maths teacher change again...to serene lee -.-" From all the stuff that weijie's been telling me bout her...i can predict that i'll probably start failing amaths again. Besides that...everything seems the same...o wait, no more mr soon. Another loss for my class...sian...gonna be a rough term.
Well...this is a really short post cause i gotta get ready for sch. Gd luck to everyone in the next term...esp those who havent finished their hw. Hehhehheh...
nooo...it just seems so soon...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
7:31 pm
Wow...so long nvr blog liao...too much in the holiday mood i think.
Chinese O lvls have been over for quite some time now...much more relaxed hehheh. Had to go back to sch for the first 2 wks of the holidays for extra lessons...was kinda boring n stuff (since when is it not boring anyway...). Still havent done any of my holiday homework...neither have i started revising any of the subs. Well maybe a little...very little...
Ok...so my dad bought a Wii like...last wk. Wat can i say...its sooooo fun =D Having lotsa exercise from the games. Its like...damn tiring after awhile. Dun have those rpg games though...waiting for my dad to go china to buy (cause he says its cheaper). In the meantime...
Went to cchms band concert at SCH (not school...singapore conference hall) last sunday with a few of my class ppl. James n the others who came early went off from tanjong pagar mrt before me n jerald arrived...right on time apparently...at exactly 7pm (which was the supposed meeting time). So...we had to walk there ourselves. The performance was quite gd...liked the song selection...(especially melodies of life...cause i like the game so). The conductor was ermm...interesting... He was made to wear weird headgear during the last 2 songs. Couldnt see wat it was from so far back though.
Thats abt it i guess...just remembered...there was a IT show today...anyone went?
omg my dog is trying to bite my hamster o.O