Thursday, October 25, 2007
4:24 pm
Ok...while wandering around blogs, i kinda saw these since i was bored, i decided to try a few of em...just for the heck of it. N here r the results...
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You |
 You are a very considerate person, but that doesn't mean you let people walk all over you.
Your look is put together, classic, and stylish. You always look fashionable without trying.
You are a very outgoing person. You are true to yourself, and you never hold back.
In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return. |
This is weird...cause i dun really think its true...but ahh well...
Your Heart Is Pink |
 In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't. Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance |
You Are From Mercury |
 You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows. You probably never leave home without your cell phone! You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you. You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer. Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything. | get into the festive halloween mood, i tried this...
You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To |
 Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could. Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most. But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you? It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.
What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever
What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth |
well...not all r quite least i dun think so...
ahh....extension wk...-.-"
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
3:52 pm was interesting...during history lecture, watched a movie on Hiroshima, titled, well...Hiroshima. Showed the atomic bomb blast n wat happened before n after that. After the bomb hit the ground, everyone in the streets were disappear liddat...or turned to carbon in an instant. Then there was this highly radioactive black rain cause of all the ash that got released into the clouds. The survivors drank it...ewww...cause they were thirsty from the heat of the blast. The radioactivity also caused some ppl's white blood cells to totally die since nth was there to defend against bacteria n viruses, some ppl began to rot...
Enuff disgusting talk...anyway, after me n jingwen went back to class, for some reason we linked the atomic bomb all the way to the universe n its planets...n black holes...
There was another movie during SS lecture. This time, they showed Just Follow Law. Very funny show, quite a lot of ppl watched it before though...but obviously i didnt. It was abt a male technician who exchanged bodies wif his female boss, a high class kinda person. It was some parts...
Finally went to make my IC after not going for 2 mths. least im not an illegal immigrant anymore. Finished my tennis game on ps2 continuing to play naruto narutimate hero 3 cause i wanna unlock everything. Starting on burnout : revenge...i just love smashing cars...cause im not very good at sticking to the road anyway...might as well make the most out of my poor ingame driving skills.
Time for the fun to begin...
Monday, October 22, 2007
10:48 pm
Just came back from blading at East feet very while resting, i decided to post. got back A maths...n im glad to say that i passed. Not by much fact...not by anything. cause i got exactly 50 marks. So lucky lol. After that there was checking of CCA the only thing i failed miserably in. Got 5....n jingwen was like...YAY i got 30!!! =.="
Went for this SS Civic District Tour after sch...1st was St. Andrew's Cathedral...wah..i go there den like...damn scared when the tour guide said it was previously a cemetery. Den now just started raining somemore...i think tonite cannot slp again... Anyway, while the guide was talking, there was this cockroach behind her...we had to walk under the arch where the cockroach was, so all the boys just walked through like nth liddat, but the girls were...hesitant...all like scared cockroach will bite them or sth... Went to this fort canning gate after that. Who in the right mind puts a fort in the middle of nowhere...well, it was meant to keep the chinese at bay, or so the guide said. Cause of n incident where the Cantonese fought wif the Hokkiens over 5 katies (pronounced catties) of rice. Thats y the guns r pointed inwards instead of out to sea. Wat a waste of metal....
Next was the Supreme Court. The place where the judges do the things that they hold trials n stuff. Looked quite hotel... We went into one of the subordinate court rooms. Apparently there r all sorts of different courts... The tour guide said that anyone could go in to watch the trial...all they needed to do was bow when they walked in n again when they walked out. So me n jingwen were joking that when walk in bow, then feel like going to toilet bow again, come back bow, hp ring go out ans bow, come back in bow, go out eat sth bow, come back in bow, n on n on. The judge will be like...wth is this guy doing....
Was actually supposed to go to the parliament hse but cause the parliament was in session cause of that gay marriage thing, we couldn't go in. Awwww....
The URA building was the last stop...urban development authority...the name kinda says it all doesnt it. It develops urban areas....duh... Looked at how Singapore changed due to the land reclamation, how the government made use of the limited area we have n all that geog crap. Played a quiz called "know your singapore" or sth like that...Gurmit was like the host so it was...interesting.
After all the visits everywhere, the tour guides let us off to eat at Maxwell Food Centre. Bought fried oyster to eat cause well...i was hungry. Yingjie bought fried kway tiao but was almost time to leave n the bus came, so we were helping him to eat. Then when we got on the bus, no one was on he was complaining that he wasted his money. mom bought a cactus for me...i'm supposed to take care of it like my pet...
holidays r coming in 2 wks time...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
9:33 pm
Sian sian sian sian feeling so SS like i predicted, geog too...but that was unexpected...on top of that get so low for my chem. Now like so emo liao -.-"
For some reason i expected my chem to get AT LEAST 75...but my actual result seems to be far far away from it. Ok...maybe some people might say "63 not bad wat...i got worse..." but i expected to do better. I mean...usually i get quite high, n considering that chem is basically my best subject, i should get higher. If other ppl can get 70+, i dun see y i cant. Ahhhh...wats done is done...i cant change the past. Next time probably gonna mug liao...the feeling of getting damn low for ur best subs really annoys me...
Ok...dun think abt that liao...
Anyway, still waiting for RO2 to come out...i think it got postponed or sth cause i heard that the RO2 in korea having a lot of probs during open beta. Gonna delay again i suppose...shouldve came out by now.
Sch open hse oso coming like got extensive practice for CO cause cant find the scores for the song...all suddenly disappear. Well...someone has to rewrite it, wonder who will...
O yeah...1 question to the 2LY enthu ppl, wats gonna happen to the class chalet? Like no one book liddat...later book too late den no more chalet liao...
diao face ---> =_="
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
8:39 pm
boredom kills...nth to do nowadays but rot at home...wonder how i'm gonna live through the hols.. teo told everyone the maths results...both A maths n E maths. Guess wat...I passed both...omgomgomg. For a while i thought i would fail A maths...very getting tormented the whole day. About 10 people in the class failed A maths...highest was 90 though...maths pro.
Too bad 1/3 of the class PASSED SS...or so says mr not so happy liao...but quite a lot of people intend to fail ss anyway right? I dun wanna though...not confident in the other subjects...
Before all this gd/bad news, there was this briefing on the heritage tour....kinda felt like a history lecture...wif all the japanese invasions or watever.
Ahhhhhh...nth else to post abt. So sian... Dun feel like playing much comp either. Warcraft LAN not working, everything else all quite boring, PS2 completed quite a few games only wondering if we're ever gonna have another 2LY class chalet...
Gd luck to everyone in getting gd results...i go slp liao...
Friday, October 12, 2007
8:15 pm
Ok...i may not be a faithful blogger like weijie says but at least i actually post sth.
Exams r finally over!!! Whoooo!!! I'm gonna live the last wk of my life happily...cause i'm gonna die when i get my results. So, from monday to wed, at least one person came to my hse.. is my hse that nice to go to...
On monday was Jingwen n came for piano came to download n play CS on my comp. On tues was Derrick...cause he came to my hse to borrow my bike so that he didnt have to pay to rent one when we went to east coast with the eilTEam. Then on wed was Henry...he wanted me to teach him how to blog. Is it that difficult?? I mean...just type words n other crap like this n ure done...wats there to teach. Oh ya...he oso came to take my Bleach Movie. Well...derrick wanted to come to my hse yesterday..didnt let him..kinda busy..yeah.
Yesterday we went to sch for a movie n some snacks...the movie being the Letters from Iwo Jima n the snacks being the talk abt radio, this skit by dunno wat company n the art thing.
During the movie, Darren kept going on abt stuff that was "against the UN rule". Well..Weijie kinda started it...he said that it was against the UN rule to shoot medics n engineers...then all hell broke loose...
The movie was showing the huge number of battleships that the British had...then Darren started saying that it was against the UN rule to have so many battleships..."cause it's too gay". Then it suddenly turned to Warcraft...cause Jingwen was saying that they were hacking n stuff... So it went on n on till the movie stopped. Btw...just a tip...Never sit behind Jun Guang in movies...his head is too big n blocks everything on screen.
The radio talk was kinda boring...but when they started handing out goodie bags wif lotsa nice stuff in them, everyone was like...omgomgomg i want one too. Then a lot of ppl started raising their hands. Ok...the skit a very weird n awkward kinda way. It's supposed to tell up the importance of not giving up n living ur dream...but...i dun think some ppl actually bothered.
The art thing was a costume display where some eccentric artists used weird materials to make costumes. There was this performance with ermm...dancing i suppose...which i didnt totally get but i think i understood a bit. Anyway...ppl were like laughing at the guy cause he looked weird when he was dancing. Jingwen said he was a gay...indirectly.
Aside from this, i'm kinda feeling the post-exam boredom... So like every other post exam day, I do post exam play comp till 11pm (which is kinda way past my bedtime, n yes i still do have a bedtime). N i get the post exam tiredness due to lack of sleep. Well...some people r getting the post exam anxiety cause some people, like me...dont think we're gonna do well for EOYs.
Anyway, RO2 is comin out...cant wait for its release in singapore. My sis is going all crazy abt it. I think shes searching for RO2 stuff rite chars n headgears. As for me...i'm doing nothing at the moment. A bit tired wif using the comp...(surprising aint it).
As a side note, I PASSED MY GRADE 6 PIANO EXAM!!! I'm so happy...finally grade 7. Passed by 6 marks...the examiner thought i had potential. Looks like i gotta practice more...darn...
boredom comes once again...
Monday, October 01, 2007
10:04 pm
Well i noe that i havent been blogging for quite some time...technically cause im studying...yeah. Especially for maths which i really really dun get at all. Chinese sure fail de...went to write the 1st question for zuo wen...n went totally out of point. Wont be surprised if i get a big zero from it all though. For the record...the english oral conversation topic was like...the best topic i could ever have. IT'S ABT FOOD!!! I talked so much wif the teacher till i didnt noe when to stop. Took me some time to process the question though. I was Then i paused...then i thought Oh food...right. Hopefully can get as gd a mark as i hope.
Tml is E Maths paper sian...dunno if i can do the circle properties or not, hopefully can. Physics ermmm...dun nid to study lah...maths more important now. Well..this may be different for some other ppl though but for me...i think i can do quite ok...i think.
Anyway, all the best to everyone for their EOYs good luck!! have fun...dun fail 3 subs or more if not ur hols'll be burnt. I guess i'm being overly saddistic or sarcastic but...i noe i'm gonna nid it, cause right now...theres a high chance that i will.
the exam starts now...fingers crossed