Sunday, August 26, 2007
7:24 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME~ I'm finally 15!!! Wheeeee
Been waiting for this day for a year already...the day of many cards n presents. I think quite a lot of ppl dunno that today is my birthday though...ahhh well, it's fine. Tyvm to all those who wished me to far... I was meaning to post this at 12am exactly but due to my...inexperience in slping late i kinda slept...thats y i'm posting it now.
p.s. Darren...dun sing that birthday song...ty
15 15 15 15 15
Friday, August 10, 2007
12:29 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! So patriotic now...red, white, red, white
Well...On wed was the cross country at ecp. Managed to persuade my dad to send me there...took like...2hrs... Then jw asked if i could send him there too, took me another 15mins of persuasion. Shun bian brought my DS along to pass the time. First there was lotsa talking...speech n all that. Then it was time to run, which i didnt...cause there were so many ppl not running so i decided to walk with them. Got 125th in the end...n got psed by weijie cause he felt like running the last 200m or so. Me n derrick took so long to finish the run that we didnt have to record our timing...or so says darren...who didnt have to run, or walk for that matter...due to a certain 2week mc. Went home after that cause weijie said class outing was cancelled...cause angeline had chicken pox, then dunno who dun wanna go cause angeline not going...n so on... In the end, didnt feel like going out anywhere... Did nothing of importance for the whole day after that.
National day earlier today, or yesterday...whichever. Anyway, the performance was like...really really nice. This year the navy got to show off their stuff oso...the boats spin here spin there n keep going round n round n round. Then the parade ppl shoot shoot shoot, the firemen spray spray spray. When the army ppl came out from their vehicles to pose, my dad said they look like charlie's angels... =.= nvm. There was this guy dressed like a goldfish skating around the platform. I think the commentator said that the minister randomly kope them from some skate park n ask them to perform haha..too bad he fell halfway during the performance though...
Fireworks display was long n pretty (lol...my sis ask me to type...) as usual, but this time i cant see it from my hse...only can hear...awwwww.
Well...seeing as its 1 in the morn...i really shld be slping...