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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
10:21 pm
As everyone can see....I changed my blogskin...finally..it aint Christmas no more.
Ok..had Chinese test on Monday, wasn't too good..I thought that there was gonna be tian xie...so I studied the 3 chapters like siao. In the end don't have a single tian xie...great...Nothing much happened though. Sec 2s had that small skit and song thing again this year...2BN's skit was quite boring...people said about the arena or something. I don't watch it at all so I don't know...(I dun usually watch TV, obvious?).
Now for Tuesday... which is today. Had Maths for the 1st period. Continued with doing questions about the Factorisation of Cubic Expressions. Had PE next. Played with the frisbees =) Mr Khoo taught us how to throw frisbees, dunno what overhead pass, basic pass and whatever. Anyway, frisbees were flying around and around cause people couldn't throw them properly (mine went into the lake btw).
Now to Physics. Acceleration, decceleration, increasing acceleration and decreasing decceleration...a little confusing at first but eventually got the hang of it all...I hope. Didn't eat anything for recess...just walked around my class and stuff.
Then it was English...nothing much happened...just did a compre about walking with giants. You know...that compre...about the stone figures on Easter Island...Anyway, it was boring. Ok...Finally, Geography...volcanic eruptions and stuff like that. Ms Han got suanned by the talkative half of the class. So she got really angry and started lecturing us about disrespect to teachers and how she was gonna give us detention. I wasn't really listening...doing maths homework.
Surprisingly, Wei Jie came to my house after school today (surprisingly cause well...he's usually busy you know...doing stuff...). Asked him to try o2jam...and he tried to play Brahms Easy X2.5 but failed...almost finished though. So he didn't wanna give up...and continued to play for like...30mins. The same song...over and over and over...till he had to go home at around 4.30 cause his mother actually DIDN'T allow him to go out (at least his mom doesn't read my posts...or he'll be in real deep trouble). Won't say anything about Yi Qun and someone else...I think many people know liao cause of Alvin...
All in all...it was kinda a usual boring day...

not a dodo...as previously thought by Alvin...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
4:55 pm
Ok...long time nvr post le...
So on the 17th was Dian Wen's n Chee Peng's (I think) birthday...lol. Gave Dian Wen a card drawn by my sis...quite nice...I had to ask her continuously to help me draw cause well...as many of you know, my drawing skills aren't that great.
Skipping to yesterday...well nothing much happened...during lunch break though, Darren was telling EVERYONE from 2LY that he saw, that Shawn was looking for Jocelyn cause he was bored. During Interact Period, my class people were busy preparing for CNY. Decorations and all. I didn't help much...but Jing Wen was making this frisbee kinda thing from Ang Paos, I think he used up 20 Ang Paos just making it. So since it was well...a frisbee kinda thing, we threw it back and forth trying to catch it. Almost broke...
During Assembly, no one was listening at all...cause these few people who went to The Original Chung Cheng in Taiwan...or something like that...wasn't paying attention either. Anyway...it really was quite boring...
This morning during flag raising, Mr Soon told the whole school that someone was hit by a car. Then he said stuff about parents not being allowed to speed in school premises and all the other stuff he usually says about speeding cars. After that, I had E Hist. Veronica Tan went on to continue the story of the accident cause she said that she was an observer (she drove past the accident area). She said that the boy's leg was twisted in a really weird way and blood was spurting out from his leg cause he severed an artery. The paramedics couldn't put him on a stretcher till they bent the bones back to their original position...or he'll feel a lot of pain (not that he didn't feel any pain when they bent his bones back...). Veronica Tan also added that the teacher who was trying to stop the boy's leg from bleeding so much had so much blood on his shirt that it was soaked. Ahh yes...now on to another incident that Veronica Tan brought up...a guy cut an artery at the basketball court and "blood was coming out in pools you know!!! Pools!!!" Directly quoted.
Ok enough about the disgusting stuff...cause a guy in my class (let's name him anonymous cause of privacy). Anyway, anonymous vomited in class after hearing all that stuff. So I'm not gonna say anymore. Oh ya...I got back my diagnostics test paper. Got 7/12 nia..very sad...
PE...played badminton like everyone else I guess. After the whole period, the only thing I got was a very sweaty shirt and well...that's it.
Next was Maths...A Maths to be exact. Verrly Tan was the teacher (if you dun know who...just ask anyone from my class and they'll laugh). Learnt about Identities and stuff...not very sure what it is though so I gotta revise...
Then came the best period of the day...recess. Ate Chicken Teriyaki...then asked Tania to buy wedges for me. Thx Tania
English was next...Mrs Clarissa Han scolded the whole class for not changing back the seats cause she asked us to shift all our tables back to 2 by 2 yesterday. Read this story about Red Riding Hood...unstorytale version.
On to Maths once again. Ms Tan said that she was actually a Chem teacher filling in for our absent A Maths teacher. She said the original teacher was coming back next week and half of our class cheered (the loud half).
For geog, Ms Han came in, taught us about folding and the Himalayas and went out. And that was the end of my day...almost.
Went to 7-eleven with Wei Jie, then AI came.
Ok now it's the end of my day.

No Homework for me =)

Monday, January 15, 2007
9:23 pm
Sunday... Went to my friend Soon Eng's house to celebrate his 15th birthday...(actually today then his birthday but since it's on a monday, have to celebrate early). Reached at 11am...was the 1st one there...(everyone else likes to ome later than 12noon), watched him play DotA with a few of my other friends (owned as usual...), then my other friend Jun Chong came. Played Xbox... street NBA V3, SNK, Mario Kart. Played even more after that...ate lotsa fried chicken, quite nice really...can't remember what shop though. Went to Tampines Mall at 8pm...played a bit of arcade, a little of air hockey and all that stuff. Went home at 9 cause my mother was bugging me to come home...

Now for today....ok I went to school...had Chinese for 1st period. Learnt chapter 2 of the textbook...about kites. Next was Chemistry. Had to do an experiment about getting pure salt from an impure salt mixture. Nothing else actually taught by Mrs Kee-Kong (King Kong...that's what she didn't want us to call her).
Then it was time for English. Did a compo test, chose the "describe a time when you were really scared" (or something like that) topic. Basically I'm scared of many things...so it wasn't really a problem. Anyway I already did it on Sat... thought it was homework...
During Recess,
went to the canteen and found many people (namely the 3Gr people) queueing up in front of the Japan Delights stall. Was about to cut when a councillor came and shouted at everyone who was cutting in with me =p. In the end I didn't ea recess... Back in class, I was doing chinese homework...something about a du2 hou4 gan3.
Physics...just learnt more about vernier callipers n stuff...did the practical workbook...nothing else...
Maths, did more equations about quadratic formulas...do till very sian liao.
Skipping to Assembly...Chua Chor Lun talk talk talk talk about dicipline...almost slept...( well actually I did...a bit). His speech quite boring...but still not as bad as Mr Loh...anyway...it's still bad. After that went to 7-eleven with Jing Wen and Wei Jie as usual...then went home.

Happy Birthday Soon Eng

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
8:09 pm
Finally posting after such a long time...
There's nothing much for me to post about actually...Well...many people are complaining that their classes were too quiet (I guess if you've been to a class like 2LY-06 before...it's not really much of a surprise). My class is kinda getting better from the quietness...Win Ee's probably is almost the same. Anyway, today I had creative arts...what was it? Art...would've chosen music if I had known that Henry chose music too...even though he was in band already...
Ok...so I learned about drawing manga in art...the result didn't look that nice though...face too round, nose too big...blah blah blah. Had Physics in the lab...sat with a girl cause Dian Wen took the last available seat -.-" Ms Lee didn't come for maths cause she was sick...so another teacher called Mrs Toh came in. Taught us about the quadratic formula which I wasn't sure I totally understood 100%...Had to write some descriptive essays for English...place got changed...again...for the 2nd time. Wasn't my fault though...this guy called Oscar was talking...I was the unlucky one who he switched places with.
After school went to 7-eleven as usual, talked talked and talked before going to Jing Wen's house. Played Runescape...yes I know it's lame...but it's actually quite fun if you're a member. On the bus home, there was this Eurasian guy who tried to put a $5 note into the fare paying machine thing...but the driver told him that there would be no change. However, the Eurasian didn't have any coins on him...so I gave him 60 cents. Surprisingly...(really...) he gave me his $5 note...(well...so much for not taking a reward...). So just like that I got $5...now feeling quite guilty about it...
Ahh well...what's done is done...

Saradomin's cape...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
4:25 pm
Yup...1st day of school and wat do i have to say about it? It's boring...like every other school day...almost...
Ok...so today i went to school not really knowing where my class really was...so i had to look around (well i was better than some people...they walked to the new block...i didn't). Eventually i found my class...but there was hardly anyone in it...like some deserted place or something. So i went to ermmm...3DL with Dian Wen to kinda...gather around. Then it was time for flag raising. At the quadrangle, there was this huge bunch of sec3s standing around trying to figure out where they were supposed to stand...i guess i was one of em...
We had to go to the Grand Audi after that to listen to the 1st Mr Loh's speech of the year (together with his semi-monotonous voice). After 3 mins, people were either talking or trying really hard to stay awake.
By the time we got back to class, it was around 8.45 or something like that...waited for another 15 mins for my class form teacher to come in, (btw my class form teacher is errmm...Miss Clarissa Cheong). Den she made us do a collage or something, something about writing 3 true things about yourself and 1 fake one and....one rule that the class should have.
During recess 2LY 2006 boys (well some...) got together again at the usual spot...heard that Yi Qun was the (Saboed) class monitor for 3DL, courtesy of Alvin, Jun Guang and others. Borrowed Stormbreaker DVD from Wei Jie...talked with Win Ee outside our classrooms. Win Ee taught me new acronyms, SNAFU and FUBAR...i won't tell anyone wat it means...really...i shouldn't. So for more details ask Win Ee. Oh ya...since Man Yau isn't wearing such skimpy short pants anymore, he looks kinda weird...really...
Back in class, Dian Wen nominated/saboed me for class chairman...i was kind...didn't sabo him back...
Went with Wei Jie to 7-eleven after school...then went home...yup...that is all.


This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

