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Friday, September 29, 2006
7:00 pm
Today is exam day...crud...counting down to end of exam...14 days left...
Paper 1 of Chinese n English tested today. I actually thought that chinese was easier than english.. Im now really scared of the english report part cause i didnt COMPARE the 2 ppl...I would also like to wish gd luck to the other ppl who didnt compare...like me...Chinese i chose questions 1 & 3 for everyones info. Went quite well other than i didnt noe wat the question was asking for n had to check the dictionary. Left class at around errmmm...12.30? cause Ms Han was SLOW >_< she tok tok tok den collect so slow...cause some ppl were behind toking and/or shouting.
After that I didnt wanna go home too early cause i got nth to do...so i went to 7-11 with Jing Wen, Dian Wen, Alvin n Wei Jie. Ate ermmm dried Mee Goreng cup noodles as usual (I noe its bad for my health...so young children shouldnt follow...) n criticised Jing Wen for being a Tao Kae Noi addict (for ppl who dun go 7-11 so often, Tao Kae Noi is a brand of seaweed)...as usual. After some time...(Gosh i feel like im telling a story...) nong nong time later...Win Ee, Derrick, Henry, Grace n Tian Qing came in...apparently i didnt notice till about 5 mins later. By then i was buying Mr Softee Chendol flavour one...I dun like chocolate...Den Alvin went to buy the Crunch brand ice-cream.. After that something amazing happened (Ok fine...maybe not that amazing). Derrick went to buy the same ice-cream that Alvin bought, den it was Dian Wen's turn, den Henry, den Jing Wen...I dun follow trends so i dun buy...suddenly the whole 7-11 became an ice-cream fest (i love to exaggerate =) dont take my word for it, ask someone who was there).

Stayed at 7-11 till 2.15 den decided to go home. Went with Dian Wen to the bus stop with number 12...met Tian Qing n Grace there...wondered if 12 went to Pasir Ris...n it did btw. Talked for abt 10mins abt the streams for sec3. Suddenly we heard a bang...a van crashed into a taxi n a part of the paint fell out. The boy who was taking the taxi saw the 2 drivers fighting den ran away...wow...cheapskate...
Waited for another 20mins before the bus came n we all went up. Dian Wen was half dead by then n Tian Qing was quite sleepy. I was still quite energetic...so when i got off the bus i knocked my head on the top of the lower deck of the bus..(it was a double decker bus) u noe...the stairs there that part...I jumped....den hit my head...ow that hurt i thought...Yeah, that really hurt.
My Dad finally visited from China cause hes living there now..he found a job there.
Btw this is the last time i can blog till after the exams...14 more days...14 more lifeless, boring days...crud.

The Horrors Of The Computerless Life

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
9:44 pm
Ok today im gonna use this gay colour for my post...(tribute to chor hung's braces...or maybe chor hung himself XD) I'll keep today's post short since im gonna O2 later.
Woke up a bit later than usual...alarm nvr ring...lucky got grandmother wake me up. Errr if anyone's wondering...the a bit is really a bit...( 5mins later nia..) Went to school with a pathetically heavier bag than yesterday...dunno y...just feels heavier.
Had chinese reading for 1st period. Did some survey about the chinese reading period...i wrote that it was quite useless cause i always feel like sleeping...(well..its the truth...) The teacher like very angry liddat...turn off the fan...Justin go n on...den she shout at him...the usual.
Next was English. Dava complemented us on our wonder ful performance during assembly yesterday (really wonderful...seriously). Den he gave us time to study...Read up on the strikes n riots from the 1940s to the 1950s but i dun think anything went in...
After recess was Maths. Mr Kwek asked us to do more maths Qs...
History...Mrs Tan was as angry as usual...n Han Jie was the victim again. She shout here shout there...den ask Han Jie to see Mr Soon. After that she continued to teach abt the skills for history test.. didnt geddit...(o no im stupid!!) i dun think many ppl got it either...(im not calling anyone stupid other than me...)
Science was a breeze.. Didnt get back SPA test results but Mr Faizal got fasting...den dunno y today suddenly the class like wanna ask questions liddat..mood for asking questions maybe...haha. Got the ans for sound WS n got a test paper to do..awww crud..
Decided to go for Effective Learning...in the meantime...wanted to go find Mrs Tan to clarify some stuff about the skills for history. But..never made it. In Grand Audi we got distracted by the piles of books on the table waiting to be chosen for the library. So...to pass the time we chose like ermmm 10+ bks?
Effective Learning time... disturbed Chor Hung in the control room...(it was fun...n funny) When lesson started, listened for a while den talked to darren. Laughed n laughed about Fat-X n its product for cheating Smiths (call Darren for more details). Ahh yes...Jing Wen n Lin Wei actually waited for us for 1 n a half hrs... they used pebbles to make 2Ly...very creative.
Ok thats the time i have folks...stay glued to the computer screen till maybe a few days later for the next episode of my blog...( I dun recommend it though...) Btw...for all u ppls info, i got owned by my friend in O2jam...SAD... Soon Eng y u sooo pro...


Saturday, September 23, 2006
9:12 pm
Ok my sister's birday party is today... yup...n she invited quite a few friends over but only 1 could come. Cause of all that PSLE crap i suppose..i doubt anyone's studying that hard anyway... Anyway i had to set up the bbq again like i did during my birthday party. Cooked for like 3 hrs n finished a whole packet of 100 sticks of chicken satay, abt 30 chicken wings n drumsticks (total) 10 fishballs (dun laugh...its not sotong...), n 10+ sausages all because my mother didnt want any raw stuff left over. I only ate abt 30 satays, 4 chicken wings n 3 sausages till i got full...drank almost a whole litre of ice lemon tea...After all that hard work i had to call my sister down from the computer which took quite some time (she was playing o2jam...she very noob one lah..dun worry). Couldnt finish the food though...gotta reheat tml n see if i can finish it during lunch n dinner.
I was playing with wat was left of the charcoal with a pair of tongs till i got burnt by it...crap...now very very pain...hope i dun get a blister.
I skip to the cake... ermmm let me recall.. it was coffee n macadamia ice cream cake with chocolate icing n chocolate bits. I dun like chocolate... so i gave it all to my sister...who is relatively "fat"...like someone...Ok this is really stupid, I used the ice cream to cool my burn (ok fine... there was a plate in between my finger n the ice cream...but i like to exaggerate =p ). Anyhow..the cake was nice..Haagen Dazs u noe...sure very nice one... My mother swore that she wasnt going to swensens again cause she had a bad experience there ( one of the waiters messed up the order n was really rude...). Still eating a slice of cake now...yummm


Tuesday, September 19, 2006
8:37 pm
I'll start from Saturday =)
Went to a concert band's concert at the Singapore Chinese Orchestra Hall (wasnt a chinese orchestra concert...its just the building...) at around 7pm... the whole thing lasted till almost 10pm, but it was kinda worth it.. the songs were quite nice to listen to. After that went to eat satay with my friend n his friends (yes soon eng...its u...) at Maxwell road. Apparently someone was a regular customer there n we could find a seat quite fast. O...i still owe u $3.50...right...Ordered 45 sticks of satay n split with 4 ppl, ate 11... n we finished it all in 2mins+. Almost wanted to drink the whole other cup of sauce but didnt want to become as fat as SOMEONE, hmmm i wonder who... so i stopped myself (phew...). By the time we finished it started drizzling so we walked all the way back to Raffles MRT. I reached home at 11 sth n slept at around the same time...too tired to do anything else...

Woke up, brushed teeth, changed...ahhh im talking crap again...nvm..skip
Played tennis with my mother (for those ppl who dun noe... i play tennis every Sunday...so dun go wow..brendon plays tennis every sunday...) practiced serving...its more difficult than u think. Played a few games...then it rained. Then the rain stopped n we played again. Then it started raining again...then it stopped...n so on... After the whole thing my mother got irritated n said that she doesnt want to book the court at 8am anymore...cause the rain always stops at 9am...
(i dun think anyone understands wat im saying)

Had lit for the first 2 periods n went to LT2 to get taught by Mr Lee again... criticised himself once again for being fat n all...Talked abt fate n all that crap, went through the characteristics of Romeo n Juliet. After recess was chinese n Huang lao shi didnt come...someone said she was sick or sth n Mr Kwek came to class abt 30mins too early. Taught us probability in CHINESE, wow Mr Kwek can actually speak quite fluent chinese (well more fluent than me...dunno abt alvin though...). For history Ms Tan was shouting at us again but this time not as much...amazing...Learnt abt skills for source based questions n how useful sth is. Dun think the skill that useful leh..y arh..cause i dun really care...much...Ok now to assembly. As many ppl noe, i dun have a CCA so i dunno where to sit in a CCA meeting. Luckily, Li Yuan saved me from sitting on the floor alone n lonely by giving me a place to sit at the CDC section. So i extra extra sit there with Wei Chen n Li Yuan...

Chinese Reading for 1st period..almost fell asleep in the midst of my reading :p Got 2 periods of Dava today.. one b4 recess n 1 b4 sch end...great...Huang lao shi didnt come today either...wonderful...
Then science came n Mr Faizal told us that we would have another SPA test...even better...
Ok my sis trying to get me off the comp liao so i shld really wrap this up...
After sch i went to see the CO teacher to ask if i could join...she said can...BUT i have to get a form from Mr Gordan Goh n have it signed by my basketball teacher...all in all my day today wasnt the best days of my life...


Friday, September 15, 2006
9:21 pm
today is friday right? so were suppoused to have common test period right? well i wished we had... today all the sec 2s had to go to grand audi to listen to another one of mr loh's feared speeches (yes..feared..). At first i thought monday was enuff...but noooooo...he had to give another one today. This time we didnt have the comfort of the plastic chairs so no one could slp... on top of that the vice principal around... whole time catching ppl for anything she could find wrong. JT got 3 ppl toking den she stand next to them...waited for like 10secs n caught them, n she said that she was giving them chance. ok back to mr loh's speech.. so mr loh was toking n toking abt how to study n everything (like we havent learnt anything from effective learning...ok maybe we didnt learn anything from effective learning...) n the whole sec 2 were either daydreaming or toking. After the whole thing...which lasted till 8.30, my leg numb n couldnt stand up...so i was kinda wobbling back to class...
Next was science...learnt abt spectrum of light blah blah blah...split into 7 different colours cause different colours slow down either more or less when passing through a medium..blah blah blah...yup...that was abt it...
After recess was maths, learnt more abt probability...EHH SCH CANNOT GAMBLE ONE LEH... dun learn from mr kwek, (err is it this kwek..or is it quek?? aiya dunno lah...) bad influence. He go bring a really big dice to class n want us to roll...1 time each... Yi Qun today like very lucky... roll dice 6 times got one 3 times... den mr kwek like very surprised liddat...say that still not the correct probability (aiya...just trying to save face nia...admit it...).
Homework period...the most loved period...(recess is not considered as a period btw...) talked n studied...hey i was bored...im not mugging. Den i go n read a Singlish dictionary or watever that darren brought to sch... got all kinda different types of Singlish words...Pai kia, kayu n everything. A lot i nvr heard b4 either...
Thats all the time i have folks.. see you later on the next episode of my blog...right...btw im not gonna say anything abt ACC...cause its boring...

bored to death

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
10:42 pm
This is the second episode...or 1st if u wanna count the previous one as an intro....of the day Jocolyn's hair went psycho...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
9:21 pm
ok...due to popular demand of ppl wanting me to update my blog even though its sooo near to exams...i will update...
yesterday 1st period was lit n we all had to go to LT1 for a mass lecture or sth by Mr Lee, the JT teacher that one. soooo funny sia...he keep suaning himself...keep saying that he very fat, den wat king of the see-saw n stuff like that. He taught abt fate n blah blah blah n that romeo n juliet that love at 1st sight thing also cause of it, everyone sabo alvin...say that he oso love at 1st sight (dunno wif who arh...im not saying anything). Alvin...Mr Lee 34 still havent experienced love at 1st sight yet n u 14 already experienced. Ok so then we all had a very gd laugh....very very gd laugh...haha. During geog Ms Gan like a bit short-tempered... maybe cause soooo many ppl nvr do their geog assignments (i wonder who...) n soooo close to exams liao (n ppl still keep bugging me to update). Ok i'll skip to the most boring part of the day then... Assembly... n that monotonous, boring, hypnotic voice of his. Mr Loh in front tok tok tok...we all behind nod nod nod...the rest slp slp slp... Even Mr Soon fed up with catching ppl who r slping... nico n justin slping oso nvr catch.
Today... i found out only during the 2nd period that i forgot to put on the sch badge n name tag...morning 1 from JT n 1 frm RP got caught cause of that, i'm so lucky sia...den i nvr go eat recess. After sch we had timed comprehension n dava very very bu shuang cause of dunno wat thing lah...i nvr go check the blog or anything. Den he asked us to write our hp number n father's hp number on a piece of foolscap paper...i wrote down my mother's cause my father in China liao...shouldve let him have an overseas chat with my dad...
Aiya...all in all it wasnt that gd a day...so...

the one darren calls
"the FREAK YOU kid"

Saturday, September 09, 2006
9:59 am
Ok....meh blog is opened...finally...wouldve opened earlier but didnt noe where to find skin...in the end went to yahoo to search for skin website... dun call me blur hoh...i just dunno

Yesterday lin wei, justin n jocelyn came to my hse to do that stupid geog project, anyone else finished it yet?? Anyway me n lin wei went to near my hse that minimart to buy 4 bottles and 1 can drink cause we needed them for the toy... I drank 2 of the bottles (sprite, H2O (not water)) n that can (F&N orange)... Lin wei only drank ice lemon tea... He go n force Jocelyn to drink the last bottle (Miranda). She cannot drink finish leh...drink for 2 hrs still nvr finish... can go record liao...longest time taken to drink a 500ml bottle of water. We make finish the toy n painted it...blah blah blah...while making powerpoint Justin go fall down from my exercise ball again...3rd time liao hoh.
During dinner, Justin go eat half the plate of beansprouts (my plate diameter abt 20cm liddat...u go calculate volume urself...) den i so scared that my sister not enuff to eat. Liddat not enuff....Justin n LinWei still go n take all the rice from my rice cooker... now i have to buy another sack of rice liao thx to them... After dinner the rest of my food oso gone liao... my ah ma say if not enuff still got bread, bad idea...justin still not full. He go ask me to take bread for him...luckily Lin Wei say "u siao arh!@#!!@ eat so much still not full!@!#!@!#".... Jocelyn still sitting there looking at them with her omg look =O =O =O
Justin go add me into his propeller head gang thing...dunno wats it abt so i just say ok...Me is propeller head number 12 =) I go ask him to make me number 12 one...so i push derrick to propellerhead 11...srry arh derrick...
Microsoft hates me...just found out that my Windows XP CD key is fake one...i wanna install the new service pack oso cannot...now cannot play PristonTale liao...see lah stupid Microsoft...all ur fault...but my CD on top has genuine microsoft CD written all over it leh.. bill gates!! wats wrong wif u!!! ehh better not say that...later he come find me....
Hey I just added a small comic that shows wat happened on wednesday at my hse during geog project...I used Ragnarok Online characters...(its a game btw)...i think i made it a bit too big though...just click on it..

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This Is Me

Brendon a.k.a Dodo, Sotong, Crazy O2jam person, Casper's best friend
2Loyaltian, 4FG-ian, 0924

Tag Me


` Darren
` Grace
` Win Ee
` Derrick
` Bian/Tian Qing
` Jocelyn
` Angeline
` Tania
` Ivory
` Huiqi
` Henry
` Li Yuan
` Katie
` Wei Jie
` Wei Chen
` Chor Hung
` Adrian
` Kendall
` Michelle(C)
` Clarissa
` Ying Jie
` James
` Samuel
` Milly
` Liyan
` Marion
` Kelmond
` 4 Forgiveness

Sweet Memories

September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011June 2011July 2011August 2011

